• 26/07/2024 23:31

The Russians are hitting Chuguev with S-300 missiles, damaging civilian infrastructure

Россияне бьют по Чугуеву ракетами С-300, повреждена гражданская инфраструктура

illustrative photo from open sources

On Sunday, the Russians once again hit the city of Chuguev in the Kharkov region with S-300 missiles, causing damage to non-residential infrastructure.

Source : Chairman of the Kharkov Regional State Administration Oleg Sinegubov on Telegram

Direct speech : “The occupiers launched attacks with S-300 missiles on the city of Chuguev. No casualties at this moment.”

Details : According to him, there is damage to civilian non-residential infrastructure, in particular storage facilities. Emergency services are working at the impact sites.

What preceded : On Sunday, December 31, the Russian invaders had already launched a series of missile attacks on Chuguev.


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