• 27/07/2024 00:00

The main thing for Sunday, January 7: attacks on Kharkov, assaults on the Avdeevsky and Maryinsky directions repelled

Battles near Avdiivka, 29 military clashes, enemy shelling, visit of Japanese Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa.

 the assaults on the Avdeevsky and Maryinsky directions are reflected

On Sunday evening, the Russian army is shelling Kharkov again.

City Mayor Igor Terekhov reported this. Kharkov under missile attack. There have already been several explosions in the city,” he noted.

Chairman of the Kharkov Regional State Administration Oleg Sinegubov later reported that the invaders launched two strikes on the city, first with S-300 missiles.


Hits were also recorded in the Volchansky community.

Profile services continue to inspect the sites. There is no information about casualties yet.

Meanwhile, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported that 29 military clashes occurred during the day.

In total, the enemy launched 6 missile and 40 air strikes, and carried out 21 attacks from multiple launch rocket systems on the positions of our troops and populated areas. Russian terrorist attacks have unfortunately resulted in civilian deaths and injuries. Private residential and apartment buildings and other civilian infrastructure were destroyed and damaged.

The operational situation in the east and south of Ukraine remains difficult.

In the Avdeevsky direction, our defenders repelled 5 enemy attacks in the areas of Novobakhmutovka, Avdeevka and 11 more attacks near Pervomaisky and Nevelskoye, where the invaders, with the support of aviation, unsuccessfully tried to improve the tactical situation.

In the Maryinsky direction The defense forces continue to hold back the enemy in the areas of Marinka and Novomikhailovka, where the invaders, with the support of aviation, unsuccessfully tried 3 times to break through the defenses of our troops. Read more about the operational situation as of 18:00 on January 7 in our news.

The number of victims of the occupiers' missile attack on Pokrovsk has increased. At the site of the destroyed house, rescuers recovered the body of a man.

“As of 15:00 on January 7, at the site of two private residential buildings destroyed by shelling, the bodies of 2 people were recovered, 1 man was rescued, rescue work continues to search for 3 people, 2 of them children,” the State Emergency Service reported.< /p>

According to rescuers, at that time rescuers dismantled 62 tons of destroyed elements of houses. Fragments of bodies are being collected for subsequent identification of the dead.

Earlier it was also reported that in the village. The body of a child born in 2020 was recovered from Rivne Pokrovsky district. Rescue work continues at the site of the destroyed house to search for 5 people, 2 of them children. According to rescuers, 40 tons of destroyed elements of the house have already been dismantled. The identification of the found body fragments is underway.

A UAV squad was brought to the scene of the shelling. A State Emergency Service psychologist works to provide psychological assistance to victims.

76 people and 20 pieces of equipment were involved in the work. Also working are dog handlers of the Pavlograd search and rescue canine squad “Antares” – 12 people, 9 dogs.

Recall that on January 6, the invaders launched an attack with S-300 missiles on the Pokrovsky district of the Donetsk region. According to preliminary information, 11 people died, including 5 children. Also, 10 people were injured.

President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky met with Japanese Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa, who arrived in our country on a visit.

The head of state noted that the head of the Japanese Foreign Ministry is making his first international visit in the new year to Ukraine , which is a very important signal of support for the Ukrainian people.

The President thanked Japan and personally Prime Minister Fumio Kishidi for powerful assistance to Ukraine during almost two years of full-scale Russian aggression, including political, humanitarian and long-term financial support for the Ukrainian economy.

Also Japan's productive chairmanship of the Group of Seven in 2023 and special attention to Ukraine on this important international platform were noted.

Special attention during the meeting was paid to intensifying cooperation with Japan on the restoration and rehabilitation of Ukraine. The head of state outlined priority areas of cooperation and confirmed his determination to actively work with the Japanese side to ensure the successful holding of the Conference on the Restoration of Ukraine, which will be held in February in Tokyo.

Zelensky also expressed his sincere condolences and all Ukrainians in connection with the tragic consequences of the recent devastating earthquake in Japan. “The people of Japan can count on the support of the Ukrainian state and society,” he noted.

Today, January 7, in the center of Kiev, relatives of prisoners of war defenders of Azovstal gathered for a rally in support of captured Azov residents.

Participants of the action came out to remind that the defenders of Azovstal are still in Russian captivity. The picketers held posters with the inscriptions “Captivity kills,” “Fight for them as they fought for you,” “Free AZOV,” “While you are silent, my family is being tortured.”

“The long-awaited exchange brought back the defenders of Ukraine, including the defenders of Mariupol, but, unfortunately, the families of the 12th special forces brigade “Azov” NSU did not see their relatives and their brothers on the exchange lists. Russia still holds them in the dark dungeons of the unknown” “, note the organizers of the action.

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the Security Service of Ukraine has opened at least 7 criminal proceedings against the clergy of the pro-Russian UOC. Most of the criminal proceedings were opened from – for collaboration activities.

In all cases, the attention of law enforcement officers was attracted by religious ministers of the Moscow church, who promoted the war and were collaborators.

Most of the criminal cases – five – was opened due to collaboration activities, Article 111-1 of the Criminal Code. Due to attacks on the territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine and propaganda of war, one case was opened.

More details – in news. on our website. We hope that tomorrow there will be more good news.

Let's hold on and bring Victory closer!


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