• 26/07/2024 23:16

Will foreigners become Ukrainians? To whom, for what and how does Zelensky advocate giving enormity

President Volodymyr Zelensky, having introduced in his draft law to update the order for the community for the OS Ib, like at the warehouse of Forces defense to take part in the protection of the independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine, members of their families.

RBC-Ukraine reports about this with submissions to the text of the bill.

Meta of the bill

It means that method of adopting the draft Law Ukraine “About the actions of nutrition in the sphere of migration in accordance with the current order and implementation of the population of Ukraine” is an update of the state of legislation in the sphere of migration and the community.

In the background we will talk about food put in order the order and implementation of the vastness of Ukraine, individuals like warehouses of ZSU, other approvals are subject to the laws of molding, take part in the protection of the independence and territory of Ukraine.

Who is planning to be allowed to immigrate under the quota

One with a friend, as the other with a friend is a deceased (died) citizen of Ukraine and a member of the Defense Forces of Ukraine (regardless of the line of service with the lover, active at the time of death (death), – at the time of the death of a citizen of Ukraine, a request for permission to be granted to him migration during the war I will become no later than 6 months.

Entry to Ukraine and exit from Ukraine for foreigners who serve under a contract with the Ukrainian Defense Forces must be required to have a passport document and a military receipt.

Get rid of the hugeness

In the same way, foreigners who serve in the front lines of the Defense Forces must live in Ukraine for three years in order to get rid of the hugeness.

Foreigners will need to learn about and adhere to the Constitution of Ukraine Neither laws, history, and also confirm the sovereignty of Volodymyr.

Once the law is praised, a declaration may appear about the self-recognized citizen of Ukraine. This is a document in which a foreigner, at the time of submitting an application about the onset of the population of Ukraine, recognizes himself as a citizen of Ukraine.

The possibility of submitting a passport document, the term for which ends, may also be regulated by foreigners and persons without enormity, like undergo or have completed military service under a contract with the Ukrainian Defense Forces in order to obtain a certificate for temporary residence.

In addition, the bill promotes a simplified option for the removal of the population of Ukraine for the citizens of the USA, Britain, Norway, and member states of Ukraine. From, Switzerland, Japan, Canada.

Mnozhinnoe omnostichestvo in Ukraine

It is significant that omnozhinnoe omromadyanstvo is the status of omnipotence, in which a person is consistently recognized as a hulk (humong) of two or more countries behind the laws of those countries. Moreover, the Constitution of Ukraine (Article 4) means that in Ukraine there is a single community.

In the year 2023, the Ministry of Health stated that it respects the need to protect the multiplicity of communities in Ukraine. Ale May Boti Vinitsa, puns the fence of the fence at the Milkjeen with the power of the power-agreor. At the beginning of 2021, President Volodymyr Zelensky introduced a bill on multiplicity to the Verkhovna Rada, but the document was never looked at.

Today, Zelensky announced that he will introduce a bill on plurality to the Rada.

Read terms and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine on the RBC-Ukraine channel on Telegram.

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