• 27/07/2024 00:36

The head of the CIA will destroy Europe to work on the pleasure of securing Gazi’s guarantors, – WP

US President Joe Biden plans in the near future to send CIA Director William Burns to provide additional assistance in the future and between Hamas and Israel, which transfers the release of all the guarantors who are held by Gazi, and the launching of military operations.

RBC-Ukraine reports about this in a letter to The Washington Post.

Official and individuals , known from this article, reported that Burns would be in talks with Europe and join forces with the heads of Israeli and Egyptian intelligence, David Barnea and Abbas Kamel, as well as with the Prime Minister from Qatar by Mohammed bin Abdelrahman Al Thani.

Egypt and Qatar are key mediators between Israel and Hamas, the militant group whose transcordon attack on the 7th launched the beginning of war in the Gaza Strip. These two countries helped to achieve an initial pause in combat operations and release of guards from leaf fall.

It turns out that Burns’s discussion in Europe is based on his telephone conversations with his colleagues, as well as on the work of the head representative of the White House from the Close Convergence Brett McGurk, whose term of office has been Ichi in Dosi and Kaira.

The Israelis also urged senior Hamas leaders to consider leaving Gaza, and one official with knowledge of the negotiations said the idea does not favor the militants, who are ready to die as martyrs in the Palestinian enclave.

War on Israel and Hamas

Year 7 In 2023, Hamas militants invaded Israel and captured hundreds of people during the attack. The Israeli army has launched a military operation against militants near the Gaza Strip.

Previously, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called three minds to end the war against Palestinian militants and Hamas near the Gaza Strip.

For According to The Wall Street Journal, Israeli troops have lost 20 to 30% of Hamas militants, which still does not indicate that Israel will lose grouping.

Throughout the negotiations, the militants exchanged handcuffs. AMAS recruited close to 120 people, and Israel recruited group of Palestinian ties.

Read terms and important information about Russia’s war against Ukraine on the RBC-Ukraine channel in Telegram.

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