• 26/07/2024 23:25

It's getting warmer in Ukraine, in the lower regions they expect fog and ice: weather for today

Today, 31st month, expect that it will warm up again in Ukraine close to +6. Nowadays, in the lower regions, there is a warning about ice and fog.

About this, RBC-Ukraine writes about the information sent to the Ukrainian hydrometeorological center.

According to the data of the hydrometeorological center, there will be a small amount of water on the territory of Ukraine and gloominess, however , no fallout. There is fog in places at night in the snowy areas and in Crimea, and there is ice in most of the western and snowy areas.

It is indicated that the wind is rainy and setting, 3-8 m/s.


  • at sunset the temperature will be from -5 to -2 at night from +3 to +6 per day;
  • at daytime the temperature is from -2 to -5 at night from +2 to +5 per day;
  • at daytime the temperature is from -2 to -2 -4 at night from +4 to +6 in the day;
  • at the gathering the temperature ranges from -2 to -5 at night from +2 to +5 in the day.

< img src="https://baltimorechronicle.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/fe7bd2300ac61984ecf186add49c91b2.jpg" />

Photo: weather for 31 sichnya (meteo.gov.ua)

Weather in Kiev and region

“Little gloominess, no precipitation. Rainy-set wind, 3-8 m /s.”, write the press service.

It appears that the temperature in the Kiev region at night ranges from -6 to -1, and during the day from +1 to +6. At times in Kiev at night it is -4 to -2, and during the day – from +3 to +5.

Snow avalanche situation

The snow avalanche situation is expected to occur on 30-31 days in the high mountains of Transcarpathia and Ivano-Frankivsk regions.

Photo:Snow avalanche situation< em> 31st day (facebook.com/lavyny.official)

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