• 08/03/2025 21:43

The winner of the competition for the position of chairman of the NAPC was the head of the NABU detective department Pavluschik

All six members of the commission voted for his candidacy.

The winner of the competition for the position of chairman of the NACP was the head of the detective department of NABU Pavluschik

Viktor Pavluschik Corruption Prevention today announced the winner of the competition Viktor Pavluschik. All six members of the commission voted for his candidacy.

The press service of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine reported this.

Currently, Viktor Pavluschik is a senior detective – head of the detective department of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine.

“The competition commission determined that he has the best professional experience, knowledge and qualities to perform the duties of the Chairman of the NAPC, and also meets the criteria of competence and virtue. We are awaiting the corresponding decision of the Government,” noted the NAPC.

Earlier, LB.UA wrote that Viktor Pavluschik received the most points (137) based on the results of testing general abilities. Last year he already participated in an interview for the position of director of NABU. Then the commission members had questions regarding his parents’ real estate: in 2005, Pavluschik Sr. bought an apartment in Kyiv, and in 2014, another one for his son. The commission also noted that the first housing was purchased at a price four times lower than the market price. To which the NABU detective noted that his parents convinced him of the real value, but he does not have the opportunity to evaluate this property.

Now, for the competition for the position of head of NAPC, the candidate submitted a declaration for 2022, where he indicated 1.4 million UAH of income and the right to use an apartment in Kyiv. He also owns a Toyota Camry in 2014. The candidate’s sons had temporary housing in Romania as part of the temporary protection program.

Pavluschik’s cohabitant Tatyana Vodopyanova received UAH 1.2 million in income from NABU and UAH 260 thousand from the sale of a car. She owns a 2019 Nissan Leaf, a residential building and a plot of land in the Buchansky district. In his motivation letter, Pavluschik noted that he has experience working with NAPC, in particular, in the declaration system and special inspections.

  • On January 15, 2024, the term of office of the head of NAPC, Alexander Novikov, expired. According to current legislation, the new head is appointed by the Cabinet of Ministers based on the results of an open competition for four years. The head of NAPC cannot hold this position for two consecutive terms.
  • On October 13 last year, the government approved the composition of the competition commission for the selection for the post of head of the NAPC of six members. The commission planned to determine the winner by the end of February 2024. Read more about the competition and those who scored the most points in the LB.ua article “Competition for the position of head of NAPC: are there favorites and influence on the commission.”


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