• 18/03/2025 14:56

“Sarmat”, “Zircon” and “Burevisnik”. What do we know about Putin’s “analogue” defense?

Russian dictator Volodymyr Putin today, February 29, delivered his messages, partly who fell on Chergovi threaten. Zokrem, having named specific types of equipment for attacks on the territory of the Zakhad region.

Details about this and about those that Putin threatens with destruction, including some that are still missing, can be found in the material from RBC-Ukraine.

When preparing the material, the following sources were used: Putin’s message to federal elections,Wikipedia, publications from the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), profile portals Army Recognition, 19fortyfive.com, Defense Express, comments by military expert Oleksandr Kovalenko.


  • Why and why Putin is once again threatening the western edges
  • Swidky and important. What do you know about the Avangard missile system
  • “Sarmat” is a problematic missile and the longest-range missile on paper
  • Nuclear “Burevisnik”. A headache about a missile that is still missing
  • The great torpedo “Poseidon”, which is unlikely to flare up at the nearest rock
  • Laser “Relight” and still in doubt

Why and why Putin is once again threatening the western edges

Speaking about the end of the Russian-Ukrainian war, Putin reiterated that we intend to achieve all previously stated goals, after which he stated that Russia’s strategic nuclear forces are “in full swing.” readiness until guaranteed drying.”

“So hypersonic The “Kinjal” aviation complex is not only being put into production, but due to its high efficiency, it is being used to achieve the goals of a “special military operation,” he said.

Significantly, at the hour of the invasion of Ukraine, the Russian troops will build “Daggers” without a nuclear warhead from 2022, launched from the MiG-31K. The first time such a missile was completed was in 2023. On the right is that the PPO complexes of the Radyansky Zrazk could not effectively achieve ballistic purposes. After the combat air defense systems entered the battlefield, including Patriot, according to the Air Forces, as of February 24, 2024, 25 aerobalistic “Kinjals” were shot down.

Then Putin actually died repeating strike with anti-ship “Zircon” “.

“Also, the hypersonic attack complex of the Zircon naval base has already stalled in the battle, about which the 2018 envoy could not say anything. And this system is already in operation,” he said.

We are talking about a missile attack to Kiev 7 fierce. As experts told the Institute of Shipping Expertise, Russia rightly sank Zircon. Yogo declared characteristics: Dalncy – 600-15000 km, Shvidkіst – up to 8-9 makh, Masa Boyovoi Partni – Blizko 300-400 kg, Dovzhina – 8-10 m. Analiz Ulamkiv is concessed through the meaning of the fragmentation of the missile, axperti di -Visnovy, Shcho The defect does not correspond to the stated characteristics.

Read more about the attack of the 7th fierce missile in the accompanying material from RBC-Ukraine.

Photo: Volodymyr Putin boasted that he had bombarded Ukraine with “Zircons” and “Daggers” (kremlin.ru)


Putin did not hesitate to mention “Daggers” and “Zircons” and named a number of other species.

“The Avangard intercontinental-range hypersonic units and the Peresvet laser systems are on the battlefield. Testing of the Burevisnik long-range cruise missile and the Poseidon unmanned underwater vehicle is being completed. confirmed their high serial performance. “Important ballistic missiles “Sarmat”. We will soon demonstrate them in the areas where they are based at the military base,” he said.

The Russian dictator has expressed his readiness to engage in a dialogue about strategic stability with the United States, but feared that Washington will work to “discover its enemies” and intends to give Moscow a strategic defeat on the battlefield. And also clinging to the words of French President Emmanuel Macron, who for days did not raise the possibility of sending incoming troops to Ukraine in the future.

“We remember the share of those who sent their contingents directly to the territory of our land (obviously, Putin called Ukraine “his land,” ed.). But now the legacy for possible interveners will be very tragic ishimi.Vony culprits are wrong. Realize that we already have a threat that we can defeat targets on our territory, and that everything that stinks the whole world screams about it does not really threaten a conflict from the rise of a nuclear threat, and therefore to the poor of civilization,” Putin added.< /p> Shvidky and important. What do you know about the Avangard missile system?

The Avangard is a missile system equipped with a ceramic warhead. It is significant that Russia is developing three hypersonic defense programs, and Avangard is the third after Dagger and Zircon.

The basis is a hypersonic combat unit, which is launched behind the additional intercontinental ballistic missile UR-100N UTTH/RS-28 (to be replaced by the Sarmat). Back in 2018, Putin announced that the built combat unit would break through promising missile defense systems for maneuvering in altitude and course. It reaches the target like a “fiery cake”, the temperature on the surface reaches up to 2000 degrees.

There is a complex of features for the hem of the missile defense system, the maximum depth is 5-7 m, the body is made of composite materials, the control system allows you to change the field of assignment and distribution of targets before the start. Nibito develops speed up to Mach 28 – about 9.5 km/s. The range is 6000 km, the weight is about 2000 kg, the unit is equipped with a nuclear or high-explosive warhead with a weight of 2 megatons.

Photo: Avangard missile system (mil.ru)

The carrier rocket delivers him to a suborbital altitude of about 100 km, after which the Avangard switches to cruise mode, re-enters the atmosphere and accelerates to maximum speed. It is confirmed that the building block on them can be maneuvered and the trajectory changed, which complicates the accumulation. According to various estimates, in order to kill him, you may need at least 50 US Navy SM-3 missiles. Significantly, in 2008, such a rocket shot down a reconnaissance satellite at an altitude of 247 km and at a speed of Mach 22.

“The disintegration of such an armor may not provide America’s adversaries with a significant advantage. If nuclear launchers, intercontinental ballistic missiles or strategic bombers with a ground-based nuclear armor would be ineffective or puppies, the US will still have entry options available from the branch, including entries from “In addition, the formation of the armor will continue, which can be seen as a result of the stream of “Vanguards” and other intercontinental ballistic missiles,” wrote military expert P Iter Suchiu in the column for The National Interest.

< p>The first Avangardi were accepted for the 2019 edition. By the end of 2023, Russia is small, with approximately 18 units (three missile regiments of 6 units each) in the Orenburz division.

“Sarmat” is a problematic missile and the longest range on paper

“Sarmat” is a 5th generation silo-based strategic missile system with an important high-speed intercontinental ballistic missile. This concept has an emphasis not on the maximum number of warheads that can be thrown, but on delivery along such trajectories that complicate the reduction of promising missile defense systems. It has been stated that the “orbital bombardment” technology does not allow for an attack on the United States from a suborbital trajectory through the Suborbital Pole, bypassing the THAAD batteries.

Russia announced the successful launch in the spring of 2022, and the first serial prototypes of the same fate were found in missile divisions in the Krasnodar Territory and Orenburz Region. It is noteworthy that in the spring of 2023 it was reported that “Sarmat” had entered combat operations, but then Putin declared the need to complete “administrative procedures”, the first missile entering production, which was in production about analysts.

Photo: strategic missile “Sarmat” (mil.ru )

The rocket, powered by rare fuel, has a range of 18,000 km, a launch mass of over 208 tons, a depth of 35.3 m, a diameter of 3 m. It can carry up to 10 tons of bark in a different combination of warheads. According to Russian data, “Sarmat” can carry up to 10 large 750-kiloton warheads, up to 16 light and 3-5 units “Avangard” or the combination of warheads in anti-missile defense ways.

Military-political review of the group pi” “Information against” Oleksandr Kovalenko says that there is great doubt that “Sarmat” meets the stated parameters.

“Because this is a very problematic rocket. The Russians could not immediately prepare for throwing tests, if the model was launched at 30 meters to check the powder launcher. How many hours have intercontinental ballistic missiles been tested? “, dozens of tests have been carried out with constant work on the targets. I think that the Sarmat is a real thing, and that is to say, the missile is unreliable and unsafe. That’s why they themselves should not be vibrated serially,” said Rosmova from RBC-Ukraine. on.

Nuclear “Burevisnik”. A word about a missile that is still missing

“Burevisnik” is an intercontinental global-range missile with a nuclear installation that is disintegrating. It is characterized by a high level of secrecy, and available information about its development and capabilities is limited. The estimated value of one unit is approximately 5.2 million dollars.

The missile is similar to the Kh-101 aircraft wing missile, although it is larger in size. At the time of the X-101, the wings of the “Burevisnik” were expanded at the upper part. Dovzhina is close to 12 m-code, the eliptical nose measures 1×1.5 m.

Photo: testing of “Burevisnik” (rosZMI)

What separates them from primary missiles is the on-board nuclear reactor at the engine core, which will provide a longer range and the possibility of heavy weathering in the wind. Such an engine generates thrust for the heating system with the help of compact heaters from a nuclear installation.

There were concerns about the potential for radiation during the hour. It is important that you still need to develop a reliable navigation system before the residual throat loss.

According to experts from the non-profit organization Nuclear Threat Initiative, in 2017-2019 the Russians conducted 13 tests and all of them failed. For example, in 2019, a sickle developed at a test site in the Arkhangelsk region, resulting in the death of five people, and in Severodvinsk a spike in radiation was recorded. In my opinion, the theory is that the missile has a high-pressure charge, a range of up to 3000 km and is considered an instrument of “another form of nuclear attack” after intercontinental ballistics.

The great Poseidon torpedo, like It’s unlikely to flare up at the nearest rock < p>“Poseidon” is a project for an unmanned underwater vehicle equipped with a nuclear power plant, like a nuclear torpedo. The stated purpose is the introduction of unpleasant harm to coastal territories, the destruction of ships and naval bases.

“Poseidon” was included in the reserve program for 2018-2027. The Ministry of Defense reported that testing had been carried out, but in reality it was about checking other components and assemblies. Until 2019, the rock was not ready to vibrate such a key element, like Rukhova’s installation. In the spring of 2020, they learned in Russia that the device was not working in the selected form, and in 2021 they announced that it would take up to five years to develop it.

Possible plans to test NATO were reported in the fall of 2022, citing the movement of the nuclear submarine “Belgorod”, which was designed as a vessel for a similar type of device, but in the fall of leaves the submarine was deprived of the test area without launches. In 2023, fate was informed about the production of the first ammunition load of Poseidon torpedoes for the Belgorod underwater ship.

Photo: model of the Poseidon torpedo (rosZMI)

In general, information about the characteristics of “Poseidon” will be deprived of the presentation of 2025 to the rock, officially announced and published by ZMI. The depth can be 16 to 24 m, diameter – 1.5-2 m, weight – about 100 tons. Therefore, special underwater vessels can carry them across great dimensions. Of course, there are a wide variety of warheads with a maximum weight of up to 2 megatons. The design depth is up to 1000 m, the speed is 100-130 km/year. There is no reliable information about the nuclear reactor.

American intelligence doubts that Poseidon will flare up before 2027. It is absolutely certain that the Russian culture will not speed up its development. Undeterred by Putin’s periodic threats, the nuclear war in Ukraine will be stagnant, torpedoes will not help you, since it is extremely difficult to conduct “Belgorod” at the Black Sea through the Bosporus, blocked by Turecchina, writing expert Wesley Culp in the column for 19fortyfive .com.

“Obviously, “Poseidon” is an alarming Russian armor, which is worth thinking about. But it is unknown how Russia can flare up in such a way, as she believes, and how it will be so effective and revolutionary, as they say about it,” – adding vin.

Olexandr Kovalenko thinks that Russia will try to bring both the Poseidon and the Burevisnik missile to some logical functioning.

“Are you saying that they will be serial and massive? No, probably not. Because Russia is not at the same level of technical and technological development to be able to create such complicated speeches. The USA could have made it, China could have made it. this – no,” said the expert.

Laser “Peresvet” and all the doubts

“Peresvet” is a complex of laser armor based on new physical principles. Information about it is mostly classified, except for certain estimates, it may dismantle anti-aircraft and anti-missile defenses or get stuck in the fight against drones. In this case, the effectiveness of staying above the weather, so that fog, snow and rain flow into the passage of the laser exchange.

The principle of operation is based on laser-exposed optical reconnaissance systems, including satellites. You can stand up to cover the launch positions of intercontinental ballistic missiles. The complex includes the laser installation itself and the post-production machine (with energy sources).

Photo: demonstration slide of the Peresvet laser system (kremlin.ru)

As Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov stated, the Peresvet laser complexes will stand on the battlefield from the beginning of 2019 and cover the installations of intercontinental ballistics. According to the data of Russian ZMI, 2020 the rock was tested in Syria. However, some Russian experts doubt that “Peresvet” is going to sleep. The fragments of the dosi are not yet known to replace the dissipation of the laser exchanger, which passes through the spheres of the atmosphere. It is important to note that, given the current state of affairs, the development of technology is practically impossible. It is also not included that the complex is operating in one experimental version, and the final sanctions do not allow it to be launched into series.


Today, Volodymyr Putin again threatened Zakhod, but he came ahead of us For example, for the inner comrade, Kovalenko respects. The dictator explained to the deep-rooted people that they have no other army in the world, the best missiles, what “rattling” and so on.

“It is not the first time that the vikorist nuclear war is an element of contamination. Hypersonic “Daggers”, “Avangard” blocks, “Sarmat” missiles – everything is worth loving. There is no longer any other necessary tool to, so to speak, dominate the approach to the convention format. And those who are in this rich nuclear war understand well that they will not stand in a conventional war. “All these horror stories have stopped for a long time,” adding VIN.

Read terms and important information about Russia’s war against Ukraine on the RBC-Ukraine channel in Telegram.

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