• 07/02/2025 01:03

Ukrainian authorities handed over a list of “problem” channels to Telegram developers

The company believes that using their messenger is completely safe for Ukrainians.

Ukrainian officials compiled a list of potentially dangerous Telegram channels, which they handed over to the network developer company. The corresponding statement by Telegram authorized representative Remy Wong is quoted by NV.

According to him, the company has begun checking the compliance of the communities listed on the list from the Ukrainian authorities with the rules of the messenger. If violations are identified, then “appropriate measures” will be taken regarding the content.

Mr. Wong did not specify which channels were included in the complaint document and which Ukrainian government agency sent Telegram this list, but noted that Ukrainians can safely use the messenger, citing that the app was “created to protect users from Russian surveillance” and has an advanced, strong encryption protocol.

    < li>According to research, Russia exerts the greatest information influence on Ukrainians through Telegram.
  • The Main Intelligence Directorate believes that the messenger poses a real threat to the security of the state.



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