• 12/02/2025 08:53

Killing a 16-year-old boy on the Kiev funicular: suspected to be in pre-trial detention center

Water Management of the burial, suspicion of the sinking of the 16-river pipe walking at the funicular station in Kiev, to be in a pre-trial detention center.

RBC-Ukraine reports about this through communications to the State Security Administration of Ukraine.

“It is officially reported that the suspects are in the detention center And by the way, the State Security Administration is maximizing “As a result, the military service is always untruthful,” according to the investigations of the authorities and media representatives, “to avoid the proliferation of unreliable and unverified” information.

At the same time, the department determined the homeland of the deceased.

< p>“The loss of a child is an incredible grief and an unlawful waste,” stated the Directorate of Funerals.

What was blowing

7th quarter at the capital's funicular station is the result of a conflict between people, which serves as water in the Directorate state protection and minors . After exiting the carriage at the upper station, the law enforcement agency has pulled out the pad. Behind the words of Svidkiv, having fallen on the slope of the injuries, not coming to Tyami.

Law -Office, reckoned to traged at the station. inquire about the fact of the shooting at the funicular station in Kiev.

Based on the data of the Specialized Prosecutor's Office for the Defense of the Central Region, the investigation into the 1994 fate of the people.

Terminov and important information about the Iinu Russia against Ukraine, read on the RBC-Ukraine channel on Telegram.

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