The Kremlin is apparently once again intensifying its campaign of reflexive control, aimed at making decisions on move, vikorists Nuclear gigged the diplomatic manipulaci.
about the cereal of RBC-Ukrainian, to ISW.
on the duma of the hexpertiva, reflective control is the key to the Rosiyskiysky ilibriomation of the Gribedi Vini. This tactic is based on the formed thoughts of the enemy for the additional purpose of direct rhetoric and information operations in such a way that they will voluntarily work against the actions of Russia.
Russia often vikorized this concept you are in the shape of a “clanging” nuclear armor in the hour of a large-scale invasion in Ukraine with the aim of agitating Zakhid to give military support to Kiev.
Analysts say that the most important elements of Russian officials are to eliminate nuclear rhetoric as a form of reflexivity no control. Russian officials are constantly linking the ongoing nuclear readiness and the vague threat of nuclear payoff to important political decisions to the end of the war in Ukraine.
What was blowing
Nagada Yesterday, May 6, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced preparations for nuclear let's get started. Zokrema, at the onset of the Russian military, they plan to continue preparations until the tactical nuclear weapon is frozen. The Kremlin is making preparations for the start with the “provocative actions” of the country.
Warto note that recently the head of the Ministry of Health of Britain, David Cameron, stated that his country allows Ukraine to stagnate the British for attacks on targets on the territory of Russia.< /p>
The Pentagon also stated that Russia’s plans to carry out a nuclear offensive are a backlash to the Kremlin’s hopeless rhetoric.
Read terms and important information about Russia’s war against Ukraine on the RBC channel -Ukraine on Telegram.< /p>