• 13/03/2025 08:11

10 facts about the new law on mobilization that people may know

This year, May 18, 2024, the new law on mobility is gaining ground I am in Ukraine. In the middle of this year, people from 18 to 60 years old need to update cloud data, and also introduce new approaches to swindlers.

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< p>During the preparation of the material, the text of the new law on mobilization was reviewed, representatives of the General Staff and the Ministry of Defense were clarified.


  • Who can go to the TCC
  • Who can serve a summons
  • Who can’t be mobilized
  • When the e-office of the military police department requests it
  • How to punish thieves
  • What will be the case for Ukrainians behind the cordon
  • What will be surrounded by additional taxes
  • How much should you pay to the military
  • Who can undergo basic training
  • Who needs to undergo VLK < /li>

Who can go to the TCC

Since the 18th of May, over the course of two months, people from 18 to 60 years old have been updating the clouds. This includes those who have completed their term of re-establishment of the Military Medical Commission. Significantly, it is important to remember.

Data can be updated through the territorial acquisition center (TCC), the Administrative Services Center or the Electronic Cabinet of the military personnel. Zokrem, you will need to provide a telephone number, email address and information about the address of actual residence.

The application is expanded to:

  • conscripts aged 17-25 years from registration information< /li>
  • military doctors and pharmacists who stand on the military branch

Update data may be necessary, but you see before the current status – attributable, demarcated and non-attributable.

Photo: Ukrainian people may update their official tributes (Getty Images)

There is no need for the citizens who have been removed from the military to go to the TCC. This information may be recorded in government registers and government receipts. Since there is no such sign, representatives of the TCC can serve a subpoena to clarify the data and require you to report to the regional office.

It is also not necessary to update the information to those who have collected it after publication ii new law dated 17th quarter 2024.< /p> Who can serve the summons

The summons can be presented by representatives of the TCC, the local government bodies, the government bodies, local self-government bodies and enterprises, as well as the initial deposits and OSBB.

At the entrance Before notification, the police will face the same fate. Rather than serve summonses, but ensure order in order to prevent conflicts between representatives of the TCC and citizens. The police will continue to search for and deliver to the military offices those who did not report for the summons.

Apparently, reports can be seen in places where you live, work, work, on the streets, near large towns, at checkpoints, etc. The summons itself will be fully filled out and contain such data as PIB, the date and hour of arrival at the TCC, the signature of the head of the TCC and the seal.

It is significant that since the 18th of May the police and representatives of the TCC will take away the right to extract from people Vikom 18 -60 minutes to present a military-regional document. The procedure is recorded on camera.

You can miss appearing for a summons only for important reasons: illness, death of a close relative, natural disaster or shelling. In this case it is necessary to provide a supporting document. Within three days, contact the TCC and inform about the circumstances of no-show. Over the years, you still need to report to the military commissariat.

Who cannot be mobilized

People under 25 and over 60 years of age, as well as those who have been discharged from the military service cannot be mobilized . They cannot mobilize women or call doctors, since the stench does not reveal such a disease.

Reservations for work in government bodies, critically important enterprises and organizations do not qualify for the prize. Such individuals may live in a special military environment.

Individuals with disabilities or those who are temporarily unavailable for health are subject to the appointment of the military-medical commission for 6-12 months (after this period, you will again need to go through the commission). Also, they cannot mobilize rich fathers (except those who are struggling with child support), same-age fathers, disabled children under 18 years of age, adopted children under 18 years of age iv, busy looking after the sick child, the squad and the dads of the squad.

Photo: students throughout the 25th century do not promote mobility, but rather reduce the intensity of illumination of the past (Getty Images)

Do not accept the guardianship of disabled people, friends with disabilities and groups, people who are under 18 years of age, who are doing military service, people who close relatives died or fell into obscurity due to their participation in military actions, or the title of Hero was posthumously revoked Ukraine

People who are full can mobilize voluntarily. Students in full-time or part-time forms of learning, in order to maintain the zeal for studying the world behind them, also do not encourage mobilization. Like scientists, academicians and school teachers, who work at least 0.75 times less than the rate, as well as graduate students and doctoral students.

Cannot mobilize officials of category “A”, judges, civil servants of the military department of the Ministry of Defense, ZSU, DSNS, SBU, National Police, National Guard and other types st. For officials of category “B” and “C” there is an order of armor of no more than 50% of the number of military conspirators.

If the e-office of a military conscript is requested

Electronic account of conscripts, military conscripts and reservists – a strengthened personal web service. Its launch will take place on May 18, 2024. The e-office will become an alternative way to clarify data at the TCC without going to the checkout machine.

The service will be available through an add-on for smartphones based on iOS and Android. To update your account data, you need to log in using BankID or “Act. Signature”.

After updating your account data, if required, the TCC can contact the registry office, call your telephone number , send for a medical examination and mobilize. Subpoenas cannot be processed through the electronic account itself.

Please also note that registration in the e-office is voluntary. Ale in the Ministry of Defense is to insure that up to 80% of military contagions are quickly contacted by a more handy service to clarify the data.

How to punish swindlers

How military contagions violate the rules of registration and mobilization Yes, the TCC is going to the police with a complaint about administrative arrest. delivery to the regional office. Since the police cannot contact us, then for 5 days we can send a letter of recommendation to the citizen about the need to contact the TCC.

The date of delivery is considered to be the day of delivery under the receipt at the post office, on the day of the notice at the post office about Vidmova, it is possible to refuse or about the impossibility of delivering at the address. If the person has not appeared before the court for 10 days, the TCC may proceed to court with the intention to immediately suspend the water rights.

The appeal is submitted within 30 days, on this basis the court may limit the right to servitude transport department, docks The giant doesn’t seem to be able to. An appeal can be filed within 15 days.

Photo: hustlers fined on great sums and spared the rights of keruvati transport fee (Getty Images)

In which case the court may consider the TCC, since the reduction of rights reduces the person’s basic income or the transport fee is used for transporting a disabled person.

Significantly, the law also praised the law, which essentially imposes fines on offenders, but has not yet been signed by the president. If you are in good standing, for violating the rules of military registration (not registering or not updating data) you will be fined in the amount of 17,000 to 25,500 hryvnia. The same fines will be imposed on those who deviate from mobilization (subpoena or failure to appear for it).

There will be restrictions for Ukrainians behind the cordon

Ukrainian people behind the cordon will continue to m 60 days to update cloud data. You can earn money remotely by electronic mail, by calling your TCC in Ukraine, as well as through your electronic account.

Removal from military service (through permanent residence outside the cordon) will continue for 30 days from the date of appointment to the Cabinet of Ministers.

New law on the mobilization of transfers Yes, because the person did not update his personal data , it must be obtained from these consular officers at foreign diplomatic establishments. For example, when you arrive for a new passport abroad.

The exchange does not stagnate, since a Ukrainian draws up a certificate to return to Ukraine, since consular service is provided to the child of a citizen of Ukraine, another father who is a foreigner, since the Ukrainian is confused or has lost his will behind the cordon.

What will be surrounded by adjuncts

З 4 Travnya in Ukraine was given the status of “bounded adjectives”. Apparently, patients with such a status require a second medical examination before the end.

After the examination, the following statuses are established:

  • unidentified (completely)
  • additional (overall)
  • attached to military service, TCC and security units (not assigned to service in assault troops, marines, special operations forces, special forces, etc.)
  • additional for other specialties (for example, candidates for entry into the military wow I'm hanging)
  • additional to specific orders

The new criteria cover thousands of diagnoses. And the order of the Ministry of Defense about the military-medical commissions gains rank on May 18th. Today, with a new shift, people with asymptomatic VIL, progressively progressive blood diseases, hypertension and stage I are also being identified. You can check the complete list for information.

The data is also subject to update within 60 days. They can be sent to the commission, after any stench comes to the new status.

How much to pay to the military

Today's payments to military personnel consist of a penny's worth of security and additional payments. Groshov's security is covered by the township salary, salary for rank, as well as bonuses for length of service, special features of service, etc. The minimum amount of penny security is 20,130 hryvnias.

An additional payment of 30,000 hryvnias is charged to the military, which is not on the first line of defense. An additional payment of 50,000 hryvnias is given to those who build battlefields at the warehouse of the military command and control units of the first echelon of defense and attack. An additional payment of 100,000 hryvnias is given to those who take their share of the fighting forces.

Photo: Ukrainian military confirmed additional payments for service “at zero” ” (Getty Images)

A new type of surcharge – wine towns at 70,000 hryvnia for every 30 days of military duties on the line. In this manner, individuals who fight “on zero” for 30 days can withdraw no less than 190,000 hryvnia.

The “motivational package” transfers compensation to those who mobilize 50% of the first mortgage deposit. And also pay 100,000 hryvnias after the first and second service. Women and men of the military are released from wages for borrowing loans, paying fines and penalties (including car loans and housing).

For three months after the first military contract was signed Issue a certificate for the purchase of a car in the amount of 150 thousand hryvnia. For the lost and trophy equipment installed in the city, the amount ranged from 11,500 to 870,000 hryvnia.

Who can undergo basic training

The new law restricts military service and introduces basic training. People are required to undergo 18-25 years of service, and up to 24 years of service are allowed. Girls can also undergo training, and even more so for the preparation.

For military training, basic training lasts three months. One month – professional training, two – professional. Basic military training will be introduced for all graduates from 1st Spring 2025.

It includes men who have been found unsuitable for service or who have already undergone military training. The program includes theoretical studies from outside disciplines and a practical part, which takes up at least 70% of outside training. Basic military training is also carried out in the military training centers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

In peacetime, basic training is extended for 5 months.

It is necessary to undergo VLK

Ukrainians from 18 to 60 years of age , as they instilled in the status “bounded by additional details”, you can re-pass the Military Medical Commission (VLK) until April 4, 2025.

You can choose the direction:

  • for military personnel – at the TCC
  • for military service personnel – at the unit commander or at the doctor's office, for the military to undergo rehabilitation, or at the TCC, Whoever stands on duty before the hour of release.

The Ministry of Defense has indicated that a person cannot pass the VLK on his own, and they may be sent. Yakshcho, the status of “approved” the status, then TCC is guilty of a dodomyty, if you have a person to go through the vitati directed.

Under the Tsoma Yaksho Office, not to overthrow the VID TCC, Slid Pіti Onoviti Danim Self -Samostiynі. Then the government committee can see the direction.

Vyskovozobov's culpable responsibilities are passed by the commission carefully, the fragments of the VLK are determined to be relevant to the ongoing fate. During this hour, changes may occur in your health status, you will need to either confirm your status or cancel the new one.

For terms and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine, read at RBC-Ukraine channels on Telegram.

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