• 06/02/2025 11:52

Mobilization in Ukraine. There is a lot of sickness, which is definitely not to be hired for service.

In Ukraine, changes to the rules of mobility are on the rise ii. Zokrema, military-medical commissions (VLK) establish eligibility and non-availability before the service for the renewal of the disease.

RBC-Ukraine create a complete list of illnesses for which they are released from the mobile phone izatsiya.

When preparing the text of the order of the Ministry of Defense No. 262 dated 27 April 2024 about the approval of changes to the Regulations on the military-medical examination in the Health Forces of Ukraine.

New list of illnesses for the military personnel

For example, the Ministry of Defense confirmed the list of illnesses, including physical and physical illnesses, which indicate the level of eligibility for military service.

The list includes illnesses in the organs in the body's systems , for the appearance of which a person can be recognized:

  • additional;
  • unadditional due to exclusion from the military;
  • temporarily inadmissible with a re-look after the celebration;
  • li>

  • attached to service in military security units, TCC and SP, VVNZ, primary centers, warehouses, medical departments, logistics departments, communications, operational security, defense.

Based on this document, the VLK conducts a medical examination of patients with congestion after the implementation of the new law on mobilization (March 18, 2024).

Illnesses that arise from mobilization Below is an overflow of illnesses, for the presence of which the commission is given the status of “unacceptable before military service with exclusion from the military service.”

  • Infectious and parasitic diseases
  • New development
  • < li>Illnesses of the blood and blood-forming organs

  • Illnesses of the endocrine system, disorders of food and metabolism of speech
  • Illnesses of the psyche and behavior
  • Illnesses of the nervous system
  • Illnesses of the eye and adnexal apparatus
  • Illnesses of the ear and mamillary appendage
  • Illnesses of the circulatory system
  • Illnesses of the respiratory organs
  • Illnesses of the organs of etching
  • li>

  • Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue
  • Diseases of the cystic-muscle system and tissue
  • Diseases of the sechostatic system
  • Congenital anomalies, deformations and chromosomal disorders
  • Injuries, illnesses
  • Other illnesses

Infectious and parasitic diseases

Before the shift includes illnesses under codes A00-B99 for the International Classification of Diseases vol.

The language is about intestinal infectious diseases; bacterial zoonoses; other bacterial diseases; spirochetoses; psittacosis; ricketsiosi; viral infectious diseases of the central nervous system; viral hemorrhagic fevers, viral infectious diseases of the skin and mucous membranes; other viral diseases; protozoal diseases, helminthiasis, infestations; presence of infectious diseases Z22; coronavirus disease U07.1-U07.2.

In the case of serious illnesses and their inheritances that cannot be cured or treated, they may be considered unacceptable due to exclusion from the military service.

Also they cannot Examine patients for active tuberculosis due to mycobacteria or for the obvious disintegration of legen fabric; active, progressive tuberculosis of other organs of post-legal localization.

It is impossible for the military service to recognize patients with chronic forms of viral hepatitis B, C, D (HBV, HCV, HDV) and others that are important to treat and significantly disrupt the functions of organs and systems. Zokrem, if persistent cytolytic activity is diagnosed, manifestations of liver fibrosis.

Submission for removal of the status of “unaccommodating” is a progressive illness, the development of VIL, clinical stage I V, with immune decompensation;

New development

Primary (secondary) malignant development of all localizations for the presence of distant metastases and the impossibility of radical surgical resection.

Malignant new creations of lymphoid, hematopoietic and spore tissues, concomitant polycythemia, other new creations of unknown and unknown nature of lymphoid, hematopoietic and spore tissues, and dysplastic syndrome, which is rapidly or rapidly progressing, with significant changes in blood storage and periodic congestion.

Good new developments of all localizations with significantly impaired functions.

Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs

Anemia, dystrophy of the blood, purpura, hemorrhagic conditions, other diseases of the blood and hematopoietic organs, disorders of the immune mechanism, which quickly progress, with significant impairment of functions .

Illnesses of the endocrine system, food problems and speech exchange

All diseases of the thyroid gland, all types of diabetes and other disorders of glucose regulation, disorders of other endocrine systems, insufficient food intake, impaired speech metabolism, all types of obesity and functional hyperbilirubinemia, lipomatosis) with significant impaired functions.

Improvement of psyche and behavior

Severe and moderate manifestations of persistent mental disorders: all types of dementia, organic amnestic syndrome, mental disorders as a result of brain damage or as a result of somatic illness; Disorders of characteristics and behavior as a result of damage to the brain.

Mental disorders and behavior as a result of exposure to psychoactive substances (alcohol, opioids, cannabinoids, sedatives, drugs, cocaine, hallucinogens, volatile drugs, narcotic drugs and others) with congestion syndrome and both sharp and persistent.

Schizophrenia, schizotypal and light disorders, affective disorders with frequently repeated phases.

Neurotic disorders (phobic, anxious, obsessive-compulsive, adaptation, somatoform and our neurotic disorders, neurasthenia, reactions to severe stress, PTSD, depressive episode) in acute, persistent mental disorders with progressive transition.

Behavioral syndromes, disorders of personality and emotions, disorders of behavior and emotions in adolescents and adults, disorders of speech and spontaneity, state identification, sexual disorders, specific disorders language and language, life before learning, disorder of the oral function, disorder associated with psychological development, which is sharply expressed, from the tendency to repeated troubling decompensation or pathological reactions.

The severity of Rozumov’s suffering, as well as Rozumov’s suffering at the post-mortem stage.

Ailments of the nervous system

Fire diseases of the central nervous system. We are talking about all forms of bacterial and unspecified meningitis, encephalitis, myelitis, encephalomyelitis, intracranial and intracranial abscess, which is characterized by rapidly progressive and significant impairment of functions ій.

Epilepsy for the presence of partial epileptic attacks or manifestations mental disorders.

Illnesses of the peripheral nervous system, which are either very progressive or significantly impaired functions.

Systemic atrophies can be seen before them; extrapyramidal, degenerative diseases, cerebral palsy, paralytic syndromes, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, all types of dystonia, infantile cerebral palsy, paralytic conditions, encephalopathy and others are toxic).

Diseases of the eye and adnexal apparatus

Displays of anatomical changes or the position of the eyes, orbits, conjunctiva with significant impairment of visual or rocine functions in both eyes.

Diseases of the sclera, cornea (scars and opacities, degenerative diseases), iris, ciliary body, crystalline (all types of cataracts), vascular membrane; ailments of the ophthalmic body and apple; neuritis of the visual nerve, diseases and disorders of the visual nerve and vision, other diseases of the eye and adnexal apparatus, which are sharply manifested by a progressive decrease in visual functions or partial congestion in both eyes.

Examination and rupture of the mesh for any etiology in both eyes with a progressive decrease in visual function and (or) after unsuccessful surgical treatment.

All eye shapes Complications in reproaches and further stages on both eyes.

Persistent paralysis of the eyeballs due to evidence of diplopia.

Shortsightedness or farsightedness of any eye in one of the meridians is greater than 12, 0 diopters.

Blindness of one or both eyes, absence of one or both eyeballs.

Diseases of the ear and nipple

Chronic single or double medial otitis after surgical treatment with irregular epidermization and/or with granulations, visible masses, cholesteatoma.

Severe vestibular-vegetative disorders, illness/Meniere's syndrome.

Styka is completely deaf or deaf; two-severe and profound (3-4 stages) impairment of auditory function; deafness in one ear and severe deafness in the other; twofold progressive heavy dullness; deafness due to the effects of the central parts of the auditory analyzer, manifestations of autonomic and extraaural manifestations.

Illnesses of the circulatory system

Non-coronary diseases of the heart (pericardium, myocardium, endocardium, valvular apparatus), pulmonary heart disease and damage to pulmonary circulation (vascular embolism, all forms of pulmonary-cardiac failure, diseases of the pulmonary veins), all forms of cardiomyopathy pathies, disturbances in heart rhythm and conductivity, degeneration (dystrophy) myocardium, mitral valve prolapse and other heart valve disorders, legacies of surgical insertions from the actuator of congenital or swollen hearts, which are accompanied by heart failure from heart failure II-B-III stages.

Hypertensive diseases Stage III with irreversible structural damage to target organs.

Ischemic heart disease (all forms of angina, acute and repeated myocardial infarction, their complications); chronic ischemic heart disease (atherosclerotic heart disease, aneurysm of the heart, coronary artery, traces of surgical interventions on the vessels of the heart, implantation of piece water rhythm and others, accompanied by heart failure) due to heart failure stage II-B-III.

Cerebrovascular diseases (subarachnoid, intracranial, intracranial (non-traumatic) hemorrhage, transient cerebral ischemic attacks and related syndromes, cerebral infarction, stroke (hemorrhage ichnic, ischemic), its inheritance, blockage, stenosis, embolism, thrombosis, precerebral, basilar aneurysm , carotid, spinal arteries with significant impaired functions.

Cerebral atherosclerosis, hypertensive encephalopathy, inheritances of surgical procedures with significant impaired functions.

Diseases of the arteries, arterioles and capillaries (atherosclerosis of the aorta, narcotic artery, terminal arteries, generalized atherosclerosis; stenosis or aneurysm, dilatation or disarticulation of the aorta and other arteries; stenotic atherosclerosis brachiocephalus other arteries; embolism and thrombosis of the aorta and other arteries; disease of peripheral vessels (Raynaud's syndrome) , obliterative thrombangitis); swelling arteriovenous fistula, spasmodic hemolytic telangiectasia, non-swelling nevus with significant impairment of functions.

Diseases of the veins, lymphatic vessels and nodes (phlebitis, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis of the portal vein, embolism and thrombosis of other veins; varicose veins of the lower ends; varicose veins of the scrotum, testis, s, postphlebitic syndrome; nonspecific lymphadenitis, inheritance of surgical procedures) s significant impairment of functions.

Diseases of the organs, breathing

Stenosis of the larynx; paresis and paralysis of the larynx with significant impairment of vocal function and breathing. Severe form of spastic dysphonia.

Chronic diseases of the lower respiratory tract (chronic bronchitis, emphysema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchiectatic disease) with significant impairment of the functions of the external respiratory system;

Legend diseases caused by external agents, interstitial pulmonary diseases (pneumoconiosis , chronic pneumonitis, idiopathic fibrous alveolitis, pulmonary alveolar proteinosis, hemosiderosis and other diseminated pulmonary diseases); chronic purulent and necrotic ailments, pleural ailments, other ailments of the respiratory organs (abscess of the lung and mediastium, pyothorax and others) with significant impairment of the function of the external respiratory system .

Severe persistent bronchial asthma.

Diseases of the organs etching

Facial anomalies (creatures), including bite anomalies with significant damage to the respiratory, olfactory, chewing, and main functions.

Ailments of the duct, the scutum and the duodenum (esophagitis, gastritis, gastroduodenitis, gastroesophageal reflux disease and others); ailments of the appendix; non-infectious enteritis and colitis (Crohn's disease, viral colitis); other intestinal diseases (obstruction, paralytic ileus, invagination, diverticular disease, intestinal syndrome, constipation, megacolon, diseases of the anus and rectum, peritonitis, spike disease and others ) with significantly impaired functions.

Virazkova disease of the colon and duodenum with significant impairment of functions.

Liver disease (alcoholic liver disease, toxic liver disease, liver failure; chronic hepatitis, broz and cirrhosis) zi significant impairment of functions.

Diseases of the ruminant moss, gingivitis and subslant (cholecystitis, cholangitis, pancreatitis and others) with significant impairment of functions.

Inguinal hernia, umbilical cord, kova grija , hernia of the cervical wall, diaphragmatic hernia, other and unspecified hernia of the cervical wall with significantly impaired functions.

Diseases of the skin and pelvic tissue

Diffuse neurodermatitis (atopic dermatitis) with widespread lichenification of the scalp, primary pustules, dermatitis herpetiformis, widening, continuously recurrent plaque psoriasis, universal psoriasis (psoriatic erythroderma m_ya).

Ailments of the cystic-muscular system and healthy tissue

Illnesses of the bone-muscle system and healthy tissue (pyogenic arthritis, reactive arthropathy, Reiter's disease) with significant impaired functions, persistent and significant changes.

Inflammatory polyarthropathies (seropositive and seronegative rheumatoid arthritis, Felt syndrome, rheumatoid vasculitis, Still's disease, rheumatoid bursitis, psoriatic and enteropathic arthropathy, juvenile arthritis, gout, arthropathy) with significant impaired functions, persistent and significant changes

Systemic diseases of the tissue (polyarteritis nodules and sporidae, necrotizing vasculopathies, Wegener's granulomatosis, Takayasu's syndrome, systemic sclerosis, dermatopolymyositis, systemic sclerosis, sicca Sjögren's syndrome, Behçet's disease , diffuse eosinophilic fasciitis with significant impairment of function, persistent and significant changes ;

Ankylosing spondylitis with significant impairment of functions, persistent and significant changes.

Arthrosis and other conditions of the joints (polyarthrosis, coxarthrosis, gonarthrosis, ours arthrosis, damage to the knee joint, internal joint damage and other joints) with significantly impaired functions.

Diseases of soft tissues (illnesses and ulcers, synovial membrane and tendons, bursopathies, enthesopathy, shoulder disorders) with significant impairment of functions.

Osteopathies and chondropaths ii (osteoporosis of the cysts with pathological or without a pathological fracture, osteomalacia in adults, increased fracture healing, stress fractures, fibrous dysplasia of the hands, osteomyelitis, osteonecrosis, Paget's disease, juvenile osteochondrosis of the hands (crest ridge), and osteochondropathy and cartilage damage) with significant impairment of function.

Development of deformations and defects of the fingers and toes, development of deformations of the toes, development of flat feet, fibroblastic damage with significant impairment of functions.

Bilateral amputation cut the upper or lower ends on any level; unilateral amputation of the lower end of the spine at the level of the upper third of the spine; unilateral amputation of the upper and/or lower ends on any level.

Diseases of the spine (dorsopathies) and their consequences (kyphosis and lordosis, scoliosis, osteochondrosis of the spine, spondylolysis, spondylolisthesis, disorders of the intervertebral discs, other dorsopathies) with significant impairment of functions ій.

Ailments of the sechostate system

Glomerular and tubulointerstitial diseases (nephrotic syndrome, chronic interstitial nephritis, acute pyelitis, pyelonephritis, tubulointerstitial nephritis, chronic primary pyelonephritis, nephropathies, ova insufficiency) with significant impairment of functions.

Obstructive uropathy and reflux uropathy (hydronephrosis, pyonephrosis), secondary pyelonephritis, sechokamyana disease, other ailments of the urinary tract, wrinkled, small urinary tract, swelling of the urinary cyst, cystitis, ailments new urinary tract, non-venereal urethritis, urethral stricture, other urethral diseases and the thyroid system with significantly impaired functions.

Diseases of human organs (prostatic hyperplasia, adenoma, fibroadenoma and prostate myoma, inflammation and other diseases of the prostate, hydrocele and spermatocele, twisted testicle, orchitis and epididymitis, human bottom, supramiral foreskin, phimosis and paraphimosis, leukoplakia of the penis, balanoposthitis etc.) with significant impaired functions.

Ignatory diseases of the pelvic organs in women (salpingitis and oophoritis, inflammatory illness of the uterus, inflammatory illness of the cervix, other inflammatory diseases of the female pelvic organs iv, diseases of Bartholin's worm, others inflammation of the nose and vulva) with significant impairment of functions.

Non-inflammatory diseases of female organs (endometriosis, prolapse of female organs, ureterocele, hernia of the michure, fistula, non-inflammatory diseases of the ovaries, fallopian tubes and broad ligaments of the uterus, foul Ocular ovarian cyst, abdominal cyst, torsion of the ovary and fallopian tube, hematosalpinx , polyps of female organs, uterine dystopia, cervical erosion and extropion, cervical dysplasia, impaired ovarian-menstrual function, primary pregnancy, female infertility and other significant disorders functions.

Congenital anomalies, deformations and chromosomal disorders

Congenital development of: nervous system, eye, ear, face; development of the blood flow system; wadi development of organs; the gap in the lip and the palate; Others are congenital for the development of etch organs; celiac disease; wadi development of state organs; wadi development of the cutting system; for the development and deformation of the femoral-muscle system; chromosomal abnormalities with significant impairment of function.

Injuries, injuries

Head injuries also result in significant impairment of functions:

  • skull fractures and exposing, fracture of the ossuary of the skull, exposing hands, upper and lower fissures;

  • injuries to the nose, ear, lips and mouth;

  • improvement of the structures of the auditory system;

  • eye and orbital injuries;

  • injuries of the throat, trachea, larynx;

  • internal cranial injury (stress, contusion, crushing, presence of a foreign body, bleeding as a result of injury);

  • trauma to the visual nerve and other conductive pathways, other cranial nerves; inheritance of the central nervous system from the actions of foreign officials.

Injuries of the spine, spinal cord, blood vessels, nerve plexuses and peripheral nerves (spinal fractures at any time) any ridge, fracture of the ridge, spinal arch, spinous, transverse spine, dislocation, subluxation of the ridge, rupture of the interspine disc; p dir=”ltr “>Injuries to the internal organs of the chest, abdominal cavity, organs distended one by one, pelvic organs, polytrauma with significant impaired functions.

Injuries of the upper and lower ends (fractures of the wrists, traumatic damage to blood vessels, unimpaired metal structures), fractures of the ribs, sternum, scapula, collarbone, fractures of the pelvic bones with significant impairment of function.

Thermal and chemical agents; frostbite; other external officials (heat and sleepy stroke, Vibuch's injury, acubarotrauma, barotrauma of the ear, legenia, decompression sickness, asphyxia, shock, electric shock, vibration, ionizing vibration, rocket fuel components, electromagnetic field, laser and toxic of microorganisms of I-II groups of pathogenicity, especially dangerous infectious diseases) with significant impaired functions or severe acubarotrauma.

Removal from medicinal treatments, medicines and chemical substances; toxic to non-medical substances (toxic to alcohol, organic alcohol, carbohydrates, roses, disinfectants, gases, fumes, pesticides, food products, toxic to the bite of animals, iv, coma) with significantly impaired functions.

Other illnesses

Disorders of the autonomic nervous system (idiopathic peripheral autonomic neuropathy (idiopathic autonomic failure – Bradbury-Eagleston syndrome) with syncope, tosystemic degeneration, neurogenic orthostatic hypotension (Shay-Drager syndrome), etc. There is a rapid or progressive decline in functional impairment.

It is also difficult to recognize patients with a diagnosis of stage III–IV angiotrophoneurosis before the military service.

< p>Guess what, the new law about mobilization in Ukraine was signed by President Volodymyr Zelensky last month, and it comes into effect on the 18th.

In the accompanying material, RBC-Ukraine collected 10 facts about the new law mobilization, which is known to the skin.

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