• 12/03/2025 12:01

Mail notices and fines. 14th feed to the Ministry of Defense for mobilization after July 16th

Today is the last day when citizens can renew their Cloud tributes, having disappeared from punishment . After that, those who did not manage to work or ignored the relevant law will face fines.

What will change after the 16th of July – RBC-Ukraine learned from the Ministry of Defense and nutrition.

What to change for military diseases 'yazanyh after 16 years?

For these law-abiding citizens who updated their personal data from 05/18/2024 to 07/16/2024, nothing will change. The legal mobilization will continue to be in order and in a manner that is subject to proper legislation.

Regulation for military conspirators who have not updated their personal data during the period, administrative responsibility has been transferred to the third part of Article 210-1 of the Code of Ukraine on administrative offenses (hereinafter – KUPAP) (violation of legislation on mobilization preparation and mobilization ).

At the same time, the attraction of military conscription to administrative duty does not result in any type of military conscription.

What does it mean that it is not Is this data not going to appear?

For food, since we will be distributing summons to obvious mailing addresses/openly against all advances/everyone will be deafened by the hearings in the Ministry of Defense, they indicate that it is necessary to separate the types of these communities Ian, who is on the spot, but has not updated his personal data with 60- The daily term is for those who do not stay on the military account without joining the military account and without updating their personal data from 05/18/2024 to 07/16/2024.

The former may be attracted to the extent of compliance with the third part of Article 210-1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (violation of the legislation on mobile training and mobilization). Natomist, others may be drawn to administrative responsibility for the third part of Article 210 of the Code of Civil Procedure (violation of the rules of military service), and in the event of deterioration in military service after advanced surgery penetration of the TCC SP – to the criminal level according to the first article 337 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as the CCU ), and to administrative responsibility for the third part of Article 210-1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (violation of the legislation on mobile training and mobilization). RBC-Ukraine wrote about the amount of fines here.

However, in the Ministry of Defense there is a great deal of fear that automatic promotion to confirmation has not been transferred.

Why are citizens complaining about violating the rules of military service or the legislation on mobilization preparation and mobilization, TCC SP is sending letters of notification to the National Police of Ukraine They are delayed and delivered to the TCC with the method of attraction to the reliability and security of military equipment.

Summons formed in accordance with the Unified State Register of conscripts, conscripts and reservists, after the TCC security officer has attached a qualified electronic signature to the following may:

  • centrally deal with the description of the deposit and provide military claims to the reservists using postal communication; we recommend postal departments with a description of the deposit and notifications about delivery;
  • to serve the military claims to the reserve m at the hour of notification.

The important obligation of the mobility resource is at the level of the higher authorities of the military administration of the state, but not everyone who has won the opportunity of the new law on mobilization to update personal data will facilitate mobile Ilizatsiya, respected by the department.

How can the police, after the 16th of June, arrest the convict, Who hasn’t updated the tribute? Chi can be quiet, who is new?

Police officers can arrest and deliver military convicts who have not updated their personal data from 05/18/2024 to 07/16/2024, directly to the TCC SP by means of attraction to the admin іstrativnoї vіdіvalnostі, as well as ensuring the viconnation of such citizens of their military oblast 'language.

The police will also be able to address these military concerns, which they have decided to ensure by updating personal data in accordance with the final and transitional provisions of the Law of Ukraine dated 04/11/2024 No. 3633-IX, especially in the commission of such huge crimes (for example, when subpoenas of the TCC SP are ignored) the method of passing the Military-Medicine Commission, in view of the withdrawal of the agenda from the method of passing the Military-Medicine Commission, etc.).

How to punish someone who has not updated their data, then what is their share: take them to the TCC and SP, fine them or else? What will happen to the “stealers” after the fine: mobilization?

The attraction of a giant to administrative status behind the third part of Article 210-1 KUPAP every day does not allow him to withdraw his military obligation. Therefore, such citizens may be called up for military service during the hour of mobilization, for a special period under the law.

Who will fine the “offenders” – the police, the court, another option? What will happen to me if I don’t pay the fine?

In accordance with Article 235 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, information about the violation of military regulations by conscripts, military conscripts, and reservists, about the violation of defense legislation, mobilization training and mobilization, about theft of military-province documents and their waste due to negligence (statutes 210, 210-1, 211 KUPAP (including crimes committed by military personnel and reservists who are in the reserve of the Security Service of Ukraine or the Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine) are reviewed by the TCC SP.

In the name of the TCC, view inquiries about administrative offenses and the imposition of administrative restrictions may be right Kerivniki territorial center staffing and social support.In this case, the fine must be paid by the offender no later than 15 days from the day of delivery of the decision on the imposition of the fine, in addition to the offenses referred to in Articles 300-1, 300-2 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, and in case of violation of such a decision, I will not pay in 15 days from days of notification about excess sack without satisfaction.

It is consistent with Article 308 of the Code of Administrative Offenses in case of failure by an offender to pay a fine in accordance with the provisions of Part 1 of Article 307 of this Code, the decision on the imposition of a fine shall be enforced for Primus Vikonanna to the sovereign authority viconavchy service for the place of residence of the offender, work or for the purpose of the place of residence of this lane in accordance with the procedure established by law.

In accordance with the order of the Primus Vikonannya decree on the reduction of a fine for committing an administrative offense, the offender is charged: the same amount of the fine as determined in the relevant statute of this Code and prescribed in the decree on the reduction of the fine; spend on the appearance of criminal offenses. In this case, the actions of the sovereign Viconavians of the 100% victorious decrees of the TCC are regulated by the Law “About Viconavian Provadzheniya”, which transfers the right of the sovereign Viconavians to arrest bank accounts and major lawbreakers.

Who and who will be sent the 16-day notice by mail? Who will renew their tributes?

Intensified summons will be sent by mail to the TCC SP.

Vyskovozobov'yazans who have not updated their personal data from 05.18.2024 to 07.16.2024, in advance, will be contacted before the TCC agendas with a method of updating personal data.

Vyskovozobov'yazans, who have written in order to update personal data can be sent to the TCC by subpoenas with the method of passing the Military-Medicine Commission.

The summons by mail will be considered handed over, as if it was simply thrown into the mail screen, without actually being taken away by the person himself and without being handed over?

Added to paragraph 41 of the procedure for recruiting citizens to military service during the hour of mobilization, for a special period approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated May 16, 2024 No. 560, due confirmation of notification of the reservist more information about the call to the TCC SP є:

< li>Once a summons has been served, there is a special signature about the withdrawal of the summons, a video recording of the delivery of the summons or information about it, including a video recording of the act of surrender in the event of the withdrawal of the summons, as well as a video recording the home of a reservist or a military conspirator associated with a special, authorized person to serve a summons;< /li>

  • for the purpose of sending a postal order:
    • the day of withdrawal of such postal delivery by a special person, which is confirmed by information and/or documents from the postal operator;
    • the day of placing a notice about the person's residence at the postal office, the date of placing the note about the presence of the person at the person's place of residence, at the specified price of the special TCC SP at the time of clarification Their cloud data;
    • the day of placing a notice about the person's presence at the address of the declared/registered place of residence in the manner prescribed by law, since this person is not home of TCC SP other addresses and place of residence.

    In what way will the military leaders, who have already renewed their tributes, be able to obtain such titles as candidates for the passage of the VLK? Who of these, who have updated their data, are required to sing and go through it on their own?

    Vyskovozobov'yazans, who are victorious in order to update personal data in accordance with the final and transitional provisions of the Law of Ukraine dated 04/11/2024 No. 3633-IX, can be contacted by the TCC with summonses from the method of passage in Medical and Medical Commission to determine eligibility for military service.

    Do you want to click through “Reserve+” on VLK?

    Through the zastosunok Reserve+ viklik on the VLK was not transferred. The Ministry of Defense plans to introduce a functionality that will allow residents to independently register for the Military Medical Commission through the registration process, without the need to go through the VLK.

    Parts of the military-medical commission during the war period are held once a year, through digitalization it is planned to simplify and make this process easier for citizens.

    When do I request armor through “Reserve+”?

    Electronic armor will be requested in the near future. Armoring is available through “Diya”. At the first stage, armor is used there for critically important activities to ensure the needs of the Defense Forces.

    How armor is used on the portal “Diya”:

  • The organization is required to apply for the removal of the status of a critically important to essential Central Election Commission, which meets the criteria confirmed by the organization. Once this status is revoked, the organization revokes its percentage of travelers who have the right to make a reservation.
  • After completing your organization, go to the “Action” portal to download all your active personnel and select whom to reserve. The system checks whether the business is critically important, whether the doctor is officially responsible, or whether the doctor’s data is in the Oberig register.
  • Company officials submit lists of military conscripts for armor. I confirm the application with an electronic signature. “Dіya” was sent to the kerivnik about the result of the review by reaching out.
  • The evidence is positive – the worker will have updated information in the Reserve+ entry.
  • Do you need to go through the VLK again for those who are losing the status of “exchanged appendage” according to the old norms and for what kind of reservations?

    Subject to the final and transitional provisions of the Law of Ukraine dated March 21, 2024 No. 3621-IX of the citizens of Ukraine, which were subject to appendages to military service before the acquisition of rank by this Law (then until 04.05.20 24) for a period of nine months (the same for lines up to 04.02 .2025) are required to undergo a repeated medical examination based on the method prior to military service.

    The confirmation of the specified obligation does not remain due to the fact that the citizen is on a special basis (reservations), and may be subject to before mobilization.

    Who of the military conscripts can be sent beyond the cordon after the 16th of July and is there enough “Reserve+” for the exit of any additional documents required?

    The procedure for washing the border of the sovereign cordon of Ukraine by the citizens of Ukraine during the hour of war is established by the Rules for the crossing of the sovereign cordon by the citizens of Ukraine, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers dated January 27, 1995 No. 57.

    According to the rules, the passage of citizens through the sovereign cordon is carried out by senior officials for the protection of the sovereign cordon. The Administration of the State Cordon Service organizes, in accordance with the procedure established by law, the border control and passage through the State Cordon of special forces, transport vehicles and items, and makes a decision to grant, in accordance with the law, permission for crossing by persons sovereign cordon in simple order.

    Looking at the designated , if the animal's food is destroyed, it cannot be restored until the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine is renewed.

    What will be the line for the 2nd month of those who have come to the TCC to mobilize?

    This is consistent with the third part of Article 23 of the Law of Ukraine “About mobilization preparation and mobilization” for citizens who independently arrived to the TCC and are encouraged to begin (preparation) in connection with the prize money in iisk service for prizes under the hour of mobilization, for a special period, hour Turnout before the TCC is established within two months from the day of the military-medical commission.

    Nowadays, in this norm, the phrase “two months from the day of the passage of the VLK” is used, and not the phrase “two months from the day of the passage of the VLK”, military doctors are obliged to report to the TCC at the line itself, which is indicated and from the current story, and also when Therefore, such lines cannot be greater for a period of two months from the day of the passage of the VLK. Therefore, in this case, the language about the singing line in the prize is not going.

    Basic military training in Vishakh will begin after this initial fate?

    Basic military training, designated under Article 10-1 of the Law of Ukraine “About military training and military service”, begins on 09/01/2025 for citizens:

    • who are looking for enlightenment, in the hope of greater awareness of all forms of power, as well as in the hope of illuminating with specific minds the task of preparing police officers;
    • who are planning to join first to the sovereign service, service in the bodies of the municipal self-government, take a seat in the prosecutor's office, as well as other communities (behind them) – at the main units (centers) of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

    Let us guess what is in the grass of this fate in Ukraine a new law on mobilization has come into force. Due to any military conscription, conscripts and reserves from 18 to 60 days can update their tributes by 60 days (up to 16 years). Language about this information: mobile phone, actual residential address and email (for disclosure). Therefore, those who do not comply with the law can be fined in the amount of 17,000 to 25,500 hryvnia.

    Additionally, you can update your data in several ways: through the mobile app Reserv+, CNAP or at the TCC. Read more about this in the following article from RBC-Ukraine.

    Read terms and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine on the RBC-Ukraine channel on Telegram.

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