• 12/03/2025 10:25

The summons will be sent by mail. To whom should it be sent and in what circumstances should it be handed over?

Since 16 years in Ukraine, the mechanism for serving summons has recognized changes. They can be strengthened by mail, but we recommend using sheets. Such a summons must be handed over if the citizen has seen it or has not signed it.

Details about this are in the material of RBC-Ukraine below.


  • Who and to whom we are sending Sources by mail
  • If the summons is sent by mail, it is important to consider it delivered

Who and to whom are sent the summons by mail

In the future, those individuals who have not renewed theirs will be called to the TCC Military-regional tribute from the 18th May to the 16th June, but they still agreed to the law.

Well, those who have renewed their personal data with a 60-day term can also receive a summons through the Military Medical Commission (VLK).

As explained in the Ministry of Defense, the summons has been enforced by mail to territorial centers and completing and social encouragement. The summons will be served with a recommended sheet (the procedure is prescribed by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 560).

“When a sheet of recommendations arrives, a person either unsubscribes, or again appears to sign. Or the sheet turns – and then it is important that what was delivered… As the people were not physically in place, but the sheet turns , then the mechanism starts administrative offense,” explained earlier the river officer of the Ministry of Defense Dmitro Lazutkin on the telethon.

If the summons is sent by mail, please ensure that it has been delivered

When the summons is sent by mail, proper confirmation Notification of a reservist or a military officer about a call to the TCC:

  • the day of withdrawal of such postal delivery by a special person, which is confirmed by information and documents from the postal operator;
  • the day of placing a notice on the postal service about the acceptance of the postal delivery;
  • the day of placing on Notes about the presence of the person at the address place of residence, as reported by the special TsK at the time of clarification of your property data;
  • the day a sign is placed on the citizen’s presence at the address of the declared and registered place of residence in the manner prescribed by law, since this person did not inform the TCC about the address of the place of residence.

Important. The summons to the TCC is completed no later than the next day after the summons is signed by the official clerk. In this case, the day of appearance for the call of a reservist or military convict is determined no earlier than the 14th day after the day of his duty.

We remember that the grassland requested a new comprehensive law for mobilization in Ukraine. Therefore, due to military conscription, conscripts and reservists from 18 to 60 years old would have to update their military-regional credentials within 60 days. Ask about your mobile phone number, actual residential address and email address. Read more about this here in our material “Sentences by mail and fines. 14 meals to the Ministry of Defense before mobilization after the 16th.”

Additionally, those who ignored the law or were not able to update personally and given, maybe They were brought to the administrative level in view of the imposition of a fine, the amount of which ranged from 17,000 to 25,500 hryvnia. About this RBC-Ukraine revealed in the material “Fines for swindlers. Zelensky signed a new law: what is the penalty for failure to appear before the TCC.”

During the hour of preparation of the material, the following were vikorized: resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 560, law 3633- IX, the statement of the river worker of the Ministry of Defense Dmitry Lazutkin on the air telethon and the Ministry of Defense's statement to RBC-Ukraine.

Terms and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine read on the RBC-Ukraine channel on Telegram.

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