• 18/03/2025 21:21

Electronic VS paper. What is a military document and when do you need to change it?

Communities of Ukraine human statistics from 18 to 60 years of age together Military-regional document. It can be either in paper or electronic form.

About the difference for which this document is needed and in which cases its replacement is required – in the material of RBC-Ukraine below.


  • What is a military-regional document. The difference between electronic and paper form
  • If you need to change a military-registerial document

What is a military-registerial document. The difference between electronic and paper form

The military-regional document indicates the ownership of its ruler until the military oblast's conscription. He is registered and seen by a citizen, who is either a conscript, a military conscript or a reservist. Including cases of exclusion from the military service.

During the period of mobilization (in addition to the target), representatives of the TCC and SP, police, and also guards have the right to extract from the person and this document along with this, what honors the person.

Electronic document

From 18 June 2024, an electronic military-provincial document has the same legal force as a paper one. Abi yogo formulate, you need to install the “Reserve+” add-on, update the tribute (as it was not previously allocated). You can also generate a PDF version of the document.

The military document in electronic form displays a unique electronic identifier in the form of a two-dimensional barcode (QR code of the military document).

It is important that this document in electronic form is not valid unless it contains a QR code and cannot be accessed without it. And if such code cannot be read by technical means, then the document is not considered to be confirmed.

The lines of the document in electronic form should be no more than 1 day after the date of its formation.

Paper form

The same military document is drawn up and appears in paper form – on a form, the form of which is confirmed by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated April 16, 2024. No. 559. The records in this regard may be consistent with those located in the Unified State Register of conscripts, military conscripts and reservists. If someone is not available, then such a document is considered invalid.

You can check your identity card in two ways through:

  • electronic account of a conscript, conscript, or reservist;
  • district (municipal) TCC and SP or yogo department (SBU agency, intelligence agency).

In case of inconsistency, in order to make appropriate changes to the paper form, the citizen is obliged to go to the TCC at his place of transfer to the military office with a written application. If a citizen cannot get in touch with the state of health (especially with limited mobility) and the recognition in the established order is incomplete, which is supported by supporting documents, then the person who is here may be turned away from the application She keeps an eye on him, because he is his guardian. Changes must be made within five business days from the date of registration of the application.

To make changes electronically, the citizen must quickly contact the electronic office (conscript, military conscript, reservist) for registration to the TCC, again at the place of transfer to the region.

If the region This document needs to be changed

Significant , so that all military documents previously issued are considered valid until a new document is issued. However, there are situations when you still need to change the document, but also:

  • after taking the hulk into the military service as a conscript, military conscript or reservist;
  • as a conscript who has been in military service until April 18, 2024, without canceling his military service document;
  • change the categories before military service;
  • every time there is a place for making changes in the explicit document;
  • as the records of the military registration document do not correspond to the information that is in the Unified State Register of Conscripts, yskovozobov'yazanikh reservists;
  • at the time of issuing (zipping) a document;
  • It is important to change the military document of the old document to a new one.

We guess that illegal mobilization will continue in Ukraine. In the spring, the Rada praised the law, which brought minor changes to its implementation. Zokrema, until the age of 16, Ukrainian people can update their military data in three different ways: online through the Reserve+ add-on, in the TCC or in the CNAP. Unfortunately, this procedure is no longer available. Until then, those who, without violating any law, can check administrative responsibility. Fines range from 17 to 25 thousand. Even if it’s punished once, I may still end up victorious.

RBC-Ukraine wrote more about these and all the changes for military conspirators in the accompanying material.

During the preparation of the material, the following were reviewed: law 3633-IX, resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated May 16, 2024 No. 559 and the Facebook page of the Kharkiv TCC and joint venture.

Read terminology and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine on the RBC-Ukraine channel on Telegram.

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