• 16/03/2025 03:22

The President of Taiwan pleased China to return the “historical” lands of the Russian Federation to the Far Gathering

Taiwan President Lai Qingde urged China to take back “historical lands” from Russia Go far away. За його словами, Росія наразі перебуває в слабкому становищі.

Про це повдіомляє РБК-Україна з посиланням на Reuters.

За його словами, якщо претензії Китаю на Тайвань стосуються територіальної цілісності, то He is also guilty of turning over the land transferred to Russia by the remaining Chinese dynasty in the 19th century.

“China may also gain from Russia its “historical” lands in the Far East. Why not reverse the Russian occupation of the land signed by the Aigun Treaty? Russia is now in its weakest state,” Lai Qingde said.

Tsinde indicating that China should not be deterred, otherwise it would continue to threaten annexation of Taiwan. This is due to the fact that Beijing wants to annex Taiwan not for the sake of territorial integrity.

“China’s misfortune and annexation of Taiwan have nothing to do with this, to say nothing of one person or political party in Taiwan. China wants to annex Taiwan not for the sake of territorial integrity,” Lai said.

Vanem and China < p>The tensions between Taiwan and China are complex and strain on the issue of sovereignty. China respects Taiwan as its province and strives to unite with mainland China, victorious both diplomatic and military pressure. Taiwan, on its side, actually functions as an independent power with a government, an economy and an army, although it does not officially vote for independence in order to avoid the escalation of the conflict with China.

>China is actively working to isolate Taiwan in the international arena, defending I will share my share in many international organizations and causes. Nowadays, Taiwan may be supported by several countries, including the United States, which will protect the island to ensure its defense.

For the rest of the time, the tension between Taiwan and China has strengthened, strengthened through the current military and Chinese pilots near Taiwanese cordons.

It is clear that it was previously reported that Taiwan, in the face of threats from China, would move closer to the military operations. One of the elements that is unimportant for the Taiwanese army will now be basic training.

For details about those whose Taiwan is and whose claims to China are about the island – read the materials of RBC-Ukraine.

Read terms and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine on the RBC-Ukraine Telegram channel.

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