• 18/03/2025 05:33

No competitors. Unpopular vacancies in Ukraine: which facists are most important to know

Due to the shortage of personnel in the Ukrainian market, the situation is Robots are much more valuable than pranksters. One of the vacancies is so low that it is not the applicants who have to compete, but the job sellers.

It is important to know about those vacancies that have the least competition, in the material of RBC-Ukra ina.


  • De rejects fakhіvtsіv
  • Vacancies with a hired assistant
  • In any case, robot sellers compete for frontline workers
  • < /ul> De marriage fahivtsіv

    In the Ukrainian market, the tendency towards personnel shortage continues as a legacy of a full-scale war. Through population migration and mobilization, both qualified specialists and representatives of working professions are not available.

    In response to RBC-Ukraine, the State Employment Service (DSS) informed that today there is a shortage of personnel in the industrial sector, in the time-consuming organization of catering, everyday life And health protection.

    Vacancies in the lower part of Galuzey for a long time will be deprived of “criticism” through a low level of interest among candidates.

    Based on the statistics of the Children's Health Insurance for the spring of 2024, the number of job proposals was last week In addition, the number of employees in these types of economic activities is significant:

    • Processing industry (vacancies – 10751, employees – 9132);
    • Lighting, preschool and secondary education (vacancies – 9013, Shukachiv – 5348);
    • Transport, private, passenger, travel, automobile (vacancies – 2664, Shukachiv – 1454);
    • < li >Business (vacancies – 1565, employees – 1383);

    • Activity of restaurants, provision of mobile food services (vacancies – 1505, employees – 1167);
    • Varification of food (vacancies – 1061, employees – 566);
    • Production of ready-made metal products, machines and installations (vacancies – 908, employees – 371);
    • Vacancies of furniture (vacancies – 572, employees – 233).

    Vacancies with the lowest hire

    For information on the Work.ua robot search portal, it is extremely important for robot sellers to find candidates for robotic specializations, workers in the field of civil engineering and transport, as well as doctors.

    Last month, the least number of jokers were interested in vacancies on the portal of the Hotel and Restaurant Business and Tourism. This category with the greatest number of job offers has reached the list of areas with the least competition.

    Robot sellers are looking for restaurant, hotel administrators, cooks, bakers, sushi chefs iv, chambers, waiters.

    Vacancies with category “Hotel and restaurant business” (screenshot Work.ua)

    In every case, robot sellers compete for workers

    At the top of galouzes with the least popular drink among the jokers – “Transport, auto business.” As they say on Work.ua, this category is subject to an increase in wages, it is likely that in this way the employers are asking for workers.

    Before the end, there were 4480 vacancies on the portal y “water” with an average salary of 27.5 yew. UAH During the month, the won increased by 500 UAH (for the sickle – 27 thousand UAH), and the price for the river – by 22%.

    Vacancies in the category “Transport, auto business” (screenshot Work.ua)

    It is significant that the category “Transport, auto business” contains robots for taxi drivers, vans, drivers for international transport, drivers of passenger transport, forwarders, dispatchers, etc.

    During the preparation of the material, the following sources were used: a statement from the State Employment Service, supplied by RBC-Ukra Yes, statistical information from the DSZ, data from the Work search portal .ua

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