• 05/02/2025 10:49

GUR from OUV “Tavriya” hit Pskov paratroopers in the Zaporizhzhya region (video)

Warriors of the GUR and OUV “Tavriya” revealed the buying up of Pskov paratroopers in Zaporiya zky region. A missile strike was successfully launched on the enemy.

This is reported by RBC-Ukraine from messages on Telegram of the Head Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

The document says that the occupiers from the Pskov division armored forces of the Russian Federation accumulated forces at once with military equipment in the forest plantation of the Zaporizhzhya region. Ворог зібрався у купу, оскільки готувався до маневру.

Загарбників виявили воїни ГУР МО України, а засобами оперативного угрупування військ (ОУВ) “Таврія” по місцю скупчення ворога було завдано вогневого ураження.

As a result of the missile attack, our soldiers lost two Russian trawls, as well as a special warehouse in the middle of the enemy’s military vehicles.

“Almost several armored vehicles from the Pskov landing tried to get in, but when they failed, they flew over them – all the armored vehicles were burned The enemy, look out for the new Russian BMD-4s,” the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine added.

Guess what, yesterday it became known that the Ukrainian border guards launched a miserable attack on the enemy on the Vovchansky direct. The DPSU reported that the artillerymen of the “Gart” brigade destroyed the strongholds of the fire pits, trench lines, as well as the site of a special warehouse. It suddenly became clear that six Russian soldiers were killed and six more were injured.

Read terms and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine on the RBC-Ukraine channel in Telegram.

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