• 09/03/2025 23:34

Gosspetssvyazi is ready to hand over its land in Lviv to the UGCC

We are talking about a plot of land next to the Cathedral of St. George.

State Special Communications Service is ready to transfer its land in Lviv to the UGCC >

The State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine (State Special Communications Service) has agreed to transfer its land in Lviv to the UGCC.

This was reported by the press service of the State Special Communications Service.

Since the middle of the last century, the State Special Communications Service has owned a plot of land next to the Cathedral of St. George. At one time, special equipment was located there, most of which was dismantled at the request of UNESCO.

“Understanding the importance of this land plot for the cultural heritage of Lviv, the State Special Communications Service is ready to transfer the land plot to the Curia of the Lviv Archdiocese of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, in compliance with the procedures established by law,” the statement says.


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According to the participants of the meeting, the State Special Communications Service managed to move forward on the problem of Lviv lands and determine the vector along which the parties will move further to fully resolve the conflict issue.

Now a draft settlement agreement is being developed for the court case on the reclamation of the land plot, which is being considered by the Commercial Court of Lviv Oblast.

The legal proceedings regarding the land plot have been ongoing since 2020.


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