• 12/03/2025 00:26

Dozens of Kraokan was whistled by the opponent Trump Scho μs

at the quarter, 6 lullah, US President Donald Tremp Requests the request of the sanctic Anti -people's criminal court (ISS ). At the same time, the URIDAYA of the dozen Krayan was in the worship of Svit, having stood on Zahist to the court.

about the CHILD RBC-Ukrainian, to the guardian.

Vidannya Pisha, at the production of production, МКС закликав у п'ятницю 125 держав-учасниць, які ратифікували Римський статут, виступити проти санкцій, назвавши дії Вашингтона спробою “завдати шкоди його незалежній і неупередженій судовій роботі”.

Наразі 79 країн, зокрема Бразилія, Канада Danim, Mexico I Nіgeria, was published by a spial sheet, at Jacob, they were spoiled, Sancsika “Zbilshika Rizik is a liner for naiserooshi, to supplies the pyd to the halter of the right” Distilled in ROZBILITIES IZ WASTRONT, and the head of the global humanity of the organized organizing, calling the yogo “avenging.” Zokrema, Chancellor Nimuccini Olaf Sholts, saying, SKO SANKSIA “Supply for PID Red -up, Yaki Grantivati, Dictatori Tsovita Svita, just perevilіduvati і Rosezuvati viii”. PIDRIMMA ISS I mobilizu is at once by his own partners, Shchob ISS MIG Swim with his own. The representation of the premes of British Kira Starmer said, the great British Pіdrimu, the trial to the court.

Zi of his own side, the head of єvrokomii von der Lyan, Sho MKS GIDAS VISITIONS IN UNIOMO SVITI ” Mati is able to lead the Borotbu Zlobalnoye Belynstya, ”Todi Yak Golovna Right UN stated, Sho Rishnnya Trumpa May Boti,

Terminovi that is Vinya Rosayan, read to the canal of RBC-Ukrayna am .

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