• 12/03/2025 00:28

Trump Cabbis the mask to conduct an audit of a stain for the Pentagon I OBOVIT

President Donald Trump's Do-it attend the “practical everything”, it is generally Pentagon I OBVIT. The head of the bilogo house is embedded, Shcho Acts “Knock Sugani.”

about the cinnes on Cnn, the vidannnya of the vidannya, the tiles of Trump to the msarki, Attecks ​​Vitrati on the Pentagon, Fatery, “Scho Ts Nyibilshi Discorean Vitrati”. US President Vidpoviv. “So, I am a chiristic. Pentagon, all up, practical everything … I have rejoiced yomi transfer, transfer the Pentagon, Tobto VIISKOVA sphere. I, know, for a pity, you know the deed speech, yaki to finish it, I do not think, I do not think Sho Porportziyno Vyes pable and pable and pable and pable, ” – crushing Trump.

Behind the Dani CNN, the federal budget in the federal budget, in 2024, the Fіnansky Rots, to become a discrete vine, the Yaki Schorically harden congress. Mayzha half of the discorean vidatkiv on defense gans.

on the signing magazine about those, Chogo Musk, President Vidpovyv, puppy of the stench, Ale Vin Dictu, at the Yaki areas. Mask. Having said Trump, the vibe “Viber Meta” I tell you a mask of the I, the yogo spіvobniki, the shit of the stench was visited.

“I can be a bouti, yaki mi is not a Budomo Vivchaty, I think, everything is nourished. I gave Yoma inkaz the lingering, Armyu, get in the right to Mira Vyannnya, I will viyavlya the great Kilkiya Shakhravity, the evil, roller – Summoving Trump.

Mask – “Special Recognition” Trump

Nagadami, the izlona mask, who was actively piditrima by moving the Trump campanium, was recognized as a special sovereign of the PD Service of the President. Vin is not є volunteer aboard a state-owned federal service.

Zgіdno Zinformasyu Miniytsya, Special Service-Tse, Khto prazu, abo, yak, prazuvatima for a majority of more than 365-friendly periode “.

Details about the Mailarder Mask Io Yogo Dielnіst – Read the MaterIALI RBK -Ukraine” SIRIA Cardinal Trump. > Terminov, that is important about Vіin Rosії Aggle, read to the channel RBC-Ukraine in Telegram.

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