• 12/03/2025 00:33

ZSU sat by the pіd we'll be a yar, the vorog of Tyssne Kolkiyansk, the estuary il Toretka: picture isw

about the transfer of RBC-Ukrainian, to the strongness of 9 fierce stars of the American INSTITITY VIVCHENNYA (ISW). Rosії

VIISKA ZBRIGAYUT POSITIONS IN Cherkasy Konopelttsi (on PIVDENNY SCID VID Suzhi) in the district “Ukrainian bridgehead” in the Kurzii vein at 8 pierces Zhi Bilya Makhnivovka, Cherkasyko Konopelki of the fansev, I. VISHICKA POCHEBTO to clean the LIS -LIS siski that Ukrainian exaggerate the positions in Cherkasy Konopeltsi.

Geolocaty Kadri, Polishovani 7 Lyu, Shortion, Scho of the Russian Federation of the Zberigayut Put in the PIVDENSIA part of the Cherkasyo Konopelki (on the pyvdeni science vid Suda).

Rosovkor ” exaggerate the positions at the gas station “Lotus” Sitting Transa 38K -028 Suda – Oboyan on Pivadeniy CCID VID Suzhi.


Ukrainian SCID. Operations of the Russian Federation No. 1 – Kharkivska region

in the summary of the regional admihriykiye 7 Lyubovye Deredomili, Shcho Ukrainskiy Zakhisniki waisted sabotage -zzovalno sediment at the ward 13 soldiers. P. Sumy-Buda Sumsko Khosti.

Rosіyski Zagarbniki 8 fiercely sung attacked attacked at the Kharkivsky strength, Ale did not stick. VIISKA 7 I 8 Lyubya came close to Vovchanska.

Operations of the Russian Federation No. 2 – Lugansk region

Rosіyski Porpanti sneakily leaked to the Kupoansi straightening. Geolokatsyinі Kadri, pubescent 8 Lyuboy, show, Sho Rosiyani stuck on Zahid I Pivniychi SCID VID Zakhidny. 7 I 8 fierce Rosіyskі Zagarbniki advanced in the district Petropavlivka.

Ukrainian Brigade of the Vydomil, Sho Rosiyski Pydrodili did not take the storm of the rosemir near the company near the Pershranevoy They knew 10 enemy armor vehicles.

Ukrainian VIISKOVISKAYACH Kostyantin Mashovets declared that Poropandi is not at the same time Vitineli Klacksyki Sili (on the pivnich vid Kubsyansk), I Vorog Leshasi District Vyakii in the Pivniy part of the settlement = ” https://baltimorechronicle.com/wp-cloads/2025/02/e7D158C97F4DAB43791576FC7B0AB.jpg/>

the Russian Federation 8 Lyuboye traveled to the offender to the booby intense, but did not dry out . Rosіycyki Portant 7 I 8 of the Lyuboy advanced in the district of the vast, Lozovo, Kopanok that NovoGorivka.

In the operational-strategic ugsk ZSU “Khortitsy”, the Rosiyski Zagarbniks were attacked in the district of Kruglyakovka (on the pivniy cake VID Borovaya) Iz to the shots of 1 tank I 3 BTRIV, and the ZSU ZSOSHISKED INSIDED Ukrainian The regiment is the gate, the luxury 7 fierce vіsyska of the Russian Federation Zdiishasniyed the assault on the strength of the Lozovo, Shonaimenhensche of the number at the platoon, I pіd huts Ukrainian Zakhisniki Zakhischi, the two bmp і tank

VIISKA of the Russian Federation unscrewly sat on the Limanskoye. Geolocaty Kadri VID 7 Lyutvoy, puscansi stuck in the pivni-zakhіdnu part of the Yampolinovka (on the pivniychi science vid Liman) I closed the fields of the vime settlement VNO closed thorny (on the PIVNICHIC SCID VID Liman).

7 I 8 of the Lyuty Vіsyka RF led the advanced cake of the Liman in the district of Yampolovka that Novomlyubovka that is in the hardships of the new.

Operation of the Russian Federation No. 3 – Donetka region

VIISKA of the Russian Federation 8 fiercely sang advancing at the SIVERSKOY, ALE did not stick. Rosіyskі pupasant advanced in the district of Bialogorski Tovnooka'yansky 7 I 8 fierce.

in the Osov “Khortitsya” 8 fierce gender, Sho Rosiyski Zagarbniki attacked the near Bllogorіvka that Verkhnooka'yansky for the piditrims of Mototekhniki, pd hour of attack by Ukrainian Zakhis.

The commander of the Ukrainian Brigades, Yakiyav, at the Siberian straighten, gone, pushing the vicorista tanks, BMP, Bagi, Motorocyls that all the same (ATV) for the nesting, if they are frozen ґrunta stagnant, stable rails The weather is warm, if m 'Yaki ґrunt is a contribution of a techie.

The seals of the defense of Ukraine were unscrupulously wrapped in the prolonged position of the time tier. Geolocaty Kadri VID 7 Fierce Plane, SCS SCS Sit Sild T -0504 Bakhmut – Kostyantinivka on the piveden vid of the hourly tier. .

Rosiyskiy Vunkor, Upludzhuvov, Trivayat Trivayat in the Mikrostraions Shevchenka, that workshop No. 2 on the pivdniy tier, і putіnskі vіyskіy-eagle, hit the trash T-0504.

8 Lyutny Rosiysky blogger, saying that the Russian Federation subscribed to the Dylantsi 3.5 km of lords of 1.5 km at Glibin on the pyvden VID of the hourly Yar, that was closed by the traders of the steps of the crinics in the Tsomo district. “Vunkor” Rospovіdav, PutInski VIISKA to clean up the Novopіvniychy Mikrostraion (Zakhid Part of the Severe Yar) that positions on the pivnes of the Vodnetrivkoye in the center of the hourly fierce orechronicle.com/WP-Content/Uploads/2025/02/0F2CB4A72774C92C294C3F4CCC899D050.jpg “/>

VIISKA of the Russian Federation unscheduledly stuck on the end of the straightener. Polishkovani 8 fierce geolocathy cadri, picans, packed by vulitsy Kuzanva, young worships in the pivniy part of the Mista d vid Toretka in the district of Krimy. < /p>

Rosiyki Vunkor, saying 8 fiercely, zsu trimai іzolovani positions in Toretka, I can vitratiti tizhniv to clean up the Mista.

BKU , Dopovyv 8 fierce, ogo part of the part of the trim in his positions at the Tsomom MISTI.

8 Fierce Ukrainian VIISKOVI VIDOMILI, SCC ZSU Zlili the Rosiysky Su-25 attack aircraft on the outskirts of Toretka. Ukrainian Brigade, Yaka Diyala in the Tsomo district, Vodomil, SSU Takozh, Ymovirno, Vikoristov was Vicoristov by the nonsense of the FPV, Shchobo Rosiyki helicopter MI-8, Yakhayi, Evaskuvati Plota Su-25.

Ch Yuri Butusov Poddomiv, Shcho for Zbity Litaka Vіskovy ZSU Vikoristov was transferred to Zenito-Rocket Circuits (MANPADS).

8 fiercely On Pokrovsky. 8 fiercely in the General Staff ZSU, a map was published, on Yakii, it was embedded, the Rosiyski Piacanti stuck on the pivniychi scyd nyd Novokalinov in the central lamb.

Rosiyski Zagarbniks advanced in the areas of the єizablovka, exchange, Novoilksandrivka, Zeleny Field, Tarasovka, Mirolyubovka, Bilya Lisivka, Assumption, Kotlino, Pikhchyan, Successful, Novosergyka Ta Zaporizhzhya 7 I 8 Lyu.

, the ZSU was counterattacked by Bil Successful, Kotlino Ta PICHANYA. Takozhi “Vunkor” Rospovіdav, the ZSU exaggerate to the position of the position of the Kotlin IV through Fog.

OFITERS of the Ukrainian Brigades, Yaka Diela on Pokrovsky, saying, the Kilkist of the Rosieki Sturmiv on the piveden vid Pokrovski Zmenskhi, Ale is soured with the ilintensivas. Takozh Ofіtszer Rospoviv, porch the pursuance to get on the E-50 Povet-Pavlograd, Yaka to go to Zakhid VID Pokrovska.

the Russian Federation 8 fiercely signs at the Kurakhvskoye, Ale did not stick out.

Rosіyskі PROPPARTS AND RISHEVCHENKA TA Andriyva, Bilya Kostyantinopol, Dachni Tu Zelenovka 7 I 8 Lyu.

Rosiyski bloggers, SSSU ZSBRYGAYTS The presence of the PIVNICHICHICHICHID PARNESS P. >

8 ti on Zakhid vd great Novosіlki in district Novopol, Ale did not stick out.

“Pіvdenna8 fiercely in the zahidniy part of the regori, the positions of the positions were triumphantly, Ale Rosiyskі Zagarbniks did not stick there On the Pivniychy Zakhid VID Robotino).

ani SKI, ANI Rosiyci Jerela ISW did not get about activeness at the Khersonsky straightening of 8 fierce.

The situation on the front

Nagada, at the Vechirnyom Zvedenni 8 fierce in the General Headquarters of the INFORMALIA, Shcho Kho Khuatka for the front of 125 battles. Zitknen Mayzhe half of the Bula liche for Pokrovsky.

Terminovi that is important about Vіina Rosyiya Assistance Read on the channel RBC-Ukraine in Telegram.

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