• 12/03/2025 15:59

Trump Proponiti Control over the gas sector of the near Country

President Donald Trump Kho, Shogo Yogo Krai bought a control Lyuvil the gas sector. ONEL VINS MOUNDATITY PEVNISHI RIONIA Enclave of the Clans of the Problem for the SPILE DOODOME YOGO WISHENNYA.

About the CEO of RBC-Ukraine, to the Times of Israel.

on the board of LITAK AIRord The head of the boss’s house is embedded, ShO “rewind the gas on the Pershoclass for the Maybutnoy Rosvitka.”

For Trump's words, Nebobar Vin Zuzhr-Min “Saudivsko, Arabs Muhammad, Salman, TU Abdel Fattahu As-Sissy.

President of Ochіku, psyla Rozmovi, offended by Lider to give a bivente zy zrinovo by vіnoye. їh not wobble, ”said Trump.Z 19th Izrajal that uglya Hamas, you will be forgotten from Stay Morshihi Zgіdo with a pure Vogny, such an adversity by the incisions. The Planes Planniyt Niblizhchi Other Round Rand of peaceful negotiation.

4 Lyuty Donald Trump, without worst the USA SIDED PID Control of the Gas Sector I Rosemishchens there is the American VIISK. The head of the BILOM HOUSE WILL SURSENTS OF THE WIDE INSOLY OF THE ENKLAVA IS CLASS IS LICE OF THE SROMISE OF THE KURROWN Nіstrazіya that liga Arabic powers do not pidrist the proposal. Palestinzi is resettled, adhee is afraid, izrai in the United States is not allowed to turn to the enclave. left Region.

Izravyki prem “minsistra Benyamin Netanyagu Obonya, Znishchita Hamas I Turn the Zarukhnik, Yaki to exaggerate.

Thermal On the Canal RBC-Ukraine in Telegram.

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