• 13/03/2025 13:20

Trump saying, said iz іz szіnpin pizly іnavgurasya

President Donald Trump, saying, saying, saying China si zzіnpin of his own іnavgurasya 20 , on the Tli trademark Viyni, nashas the ceremonies of the cow. Having not specifying one one, if the male was bucket of Rozmov.

about the cereal of RBC-Ukrainian, to the CNN I Bloomberg.

“So, I speak Is, I ogi people, people who are good for the whole hour. Writing, ShO BILI DIM NOT ONE OPEN VIDPOVIV on Prokhannya about the commentary. Vidannya guessed, Lider of the United States, China, was about 17 sіchnya, for Kilka Dniv to the ilnavgurasya Trump. Todi stinks were discussed by Torgivlyu, Tiktok I Fentanil, and such a Ukrainian Izrai іzrail z hamas.

is embarrassing, hedeshil of his own, and Potim Vikonav Opititsyanka to introduce 10% of Mita for the whole of iz. VIDPOVID has 10% Tarifi China Vidpoviv, low -level MITs on the United States, Gonno Z 15% Prordordon subordinate for the Import of Vugill I scheduled natural gas. Beijing Takozh is 10% mito on Sir Nafta, SILSKOKOKE Tekhnika that Avtomobil with the Great Dvigun. Tsi Mita Povili Pornensti on Monday.

cnn his side, Pych, for the words of Trump, Vin did not “pop up” the rosemlyati of that very day, if it was administered 10% mita to the China Import.

Nagada, unscrupulously Trump threatening the request from Mita Op єs. At VIDPOPOVID Chancellor Nimucchini Olaf Sholz, saying, the yakshcho ts, then reacts єvropeisykiykiy-bode, the dexulers. Telegram.

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