• 15/03/2025 02:25

Protect from high prices. How inflation is causing savings and where it is best to save money

In the minds of the war, Ukrainians do not need to trust banking institutions, so You can save your hryvnia “under the mattress.” However, among the obvious disadvantages of this approach is the risk of their physical waste and rapid inflation, which gradually “eats” a small part of this accumulation.

About how many costs Ukrainians can spend, saving hryvnias and financial settings, read the review of RBC-Ukraine journalist Alik Sakhna.


  • How inflation factor affects purchasing power

  • How to save money from value

As a factor Inflation is pouring into purchasing power

If you save up to 10 thousand hryvnias, then in the future the money will be spent through a change in the purchasing power of the national currency due to inflation. Inflation is the process of depreciation of money, in other words, the rise in price of live goods and services.

“People are rapidly buying up various goods, and their prices are growing almost in line with inflation. For example, when inflation reaches 10%, then the money that was simply saved Let's say, under the pillow and on the card, in the end it is allowed to add 10% less goods and services. Warto note that inflation may be different for different categories of expenses, and even those with more expenses for hedgehogs, for anyone – for burning or other goods,” says Taras Kozak, president of the investment group “UNIVER.”

Zokrema, the aggregate inflation in Ukraine reached 12%, so the estimated amount would have spent 1200 hryvnia until the end of 2024. However, it is important to remember that some goods have grown to a greater extent, and some, however, could have been lost at the same level. According to the statistics, the average inflation rate is around 12%.

“Our inflation forecast for this river is 7%. This means that for saving the purchasing power is 10 thousand hryvnias at the end of the day, the amount increases to at least 10,700 hryvnias after paying taxes, which is 700 hryvnias,” said financial analyst of the ICU group Mikhailo Demkiv.

In other words, in order to overcome the forecasted inflation of 7%, the nominal yield of your assets will need to be no less than 9.1%. Therefore, he adds, depriving the pennies “under the pillow” in the minds of today’s economic realities is ineffective. According to NBU data, in 2025 the river inflation rate is 8.4%, so in order to compensate for this figure, the return on investment of 10 thousand hryvnia must exceed 10% of the river inflation.

How to protect pennies make a difference

Saving hryvnias at home or putting them on the card before spending their real money, food is to blame, how to effectively save and increase money. There are a number of options for how to spend money “trading” – including investing in deposits, investment instruments or acquiring foreign currency.

“For rich people, saving pennies in the ready-made dollar seems to be a panacea, but it is also not a solution. The reason is that the devaluation of the hryvnia in 2024 was expected to be less and less Inflation in dollars is also falling, and if the dollar exchange rate is equalized at the beginning and end, it will increase by about 8-9%. the end of fate. Life has become precious in dollars,” Taras Kozak emphasizes in a commentary to RBC-Ukraine.

For the rich, the simple option is a deposit. In dollars, the average return is approximately 1%, for example, for an amount of 1000 dollars, you take out only 10 dollars per river. In hryvnia, the yield on deposits may be in the range of 13-18%. Ale varto remember that from these sums taxes are being deducted, which today add up to 23% – the 18% tax on personal income (PDFO) and 5% of the military tax.

“However the deposit is paid 18% of the river, after the inflow of deposits, the net yield on the warehouse is less than 12%. This is even more so for inflation. more beautiful “look for more profitable financial instruments,” respects Kozak.

The smallest instrument, in my opinion, is hryvnia bonds of domestic sovereign positions (OVDP), since their yield is at least 13%, according to the term of investment, we can reach 17%. Taras Kozak adds that the advantage of these bonds lies in the fact that they do not attract a tax, and they provide high liquidity, so you can sell them before maturity without significant expenses.

“For example, if you buy bonds on the market, but choose to sell them through the market, you receive income for this period without financial expenses. What is the risk of the bonds, then The face value should be 1000 hryvnia, but the actual price may vary depending on the coupon that is charged on a specific bond. The price may be either less or more for the face value – for example, 900 or 1100 hryvnia It is important that all brokers indicate the exact yield to maturity, which allows you to plan your income from an investment,” explains Vyn.

Kozak sings that it is not possible to just trim pennies Not in dollars, not in hryvnias, not in any other currency on the market, on the card or under the pillow. In other words, in order to save their purchasing power, it is necessary to invest in existing financial instruments.

We guess, the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) has moved forward 23 days oblikov rate by 1%. Read about the impact on inflation and the economy of the state.

During the preparation of the material, exclusive comments from the president of the investment group “UNIVER” Taras Kozak and the financial analyst of the group were used. ICU by Mikhail Demkiv, as well as data from the website of the National Bank of Ukraine.

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