service of the shelter of the Ukrainian fierce. Porting was attacked by the dangle of the Tap Type “Shahed”.
about the cereal of the RBC-Ukraina, the POSIANMA in the SBU.
“Slidchi of the nonsense of the Khidkrili Kriminal, the provadzhennya behind the fact of the Rosiyski attacks on the dill 4- Hoenergoblok Chornobilsk atomic Electrostani, at once, Iz Viddovye organs on the MISTSI, – I get at Denmark.
P> < P>“The Vidda of the Radiaziyni Rechovin was not stained with the interlivians. Very, the umbracks of the Rosieki Beznovnik corps with the Boyy part of the servant number, which was in the SBU, – they gave the SBU to the SBU.
Photo Ulamkiv Drona, Yaky attacking Chaes 14 Lyubya (T.ME/SBUKR)
Behind Daniya, Piashaw attacked the chas-kamikadze pd ” General -2 “Shahed”
“For the maximum vogue uzhennya, the shockless nonsense of the boule of the fugus fighting unit.
Unaslіdok Vluchannya Poshkojeno by constructions of dill.
Nasyati, Complex, come in for the insertion of all the Zlostin of the Russian Federation that is attracted to Vidpovіdalosti. Locus of the ROZSLIDUANNE TRIVA for Stattea 438 Criminal Code of Ukraine (Vorushennya Lawyv Tu Zvichav Vinei).
The attack of the Russian Federation on the chas 14 fierce
in the Nich on 14 fierce murals attacked the drone of the dill, the Chornobilskiye Elektronets (Chaes). The photo of the Namylidkiv strike by Rosіyan Dron on the Ugritte on the Chays.
Potim President President Volodymyr Zelenspovyv, the Drone of the Russian Federation, who attacked the sarcophagus on the Chornnobilziy Aesy, the years of 85 meters, Yogo did not bachi radar.
Doto, Behind Danimi Prem-Ministra Denis Schmigal, the dew was hung with the drone Iz Fugusny Boyan part in the conquest of the visible 4th Energoblock Chai. The fummages were extinguished, the radiation von Nasyzi in normal.
Terminovi that is important about the wire of the Russian Federation Read on the RBC-Ukrainian Canal in Telegram.