about the cereal of the RBC-Ukrainian, to the Bloomberg. Social, the people of the Lord, Vali Vali in the prisoners of the new diversifice of Ekononiki, ” – saying VIN at Subota.
Proposita Maduro Teritoralni, vіdomi yak jack Idiv), Potziyno overbuilding the regional to the half, Minimіzuychi municypalite I tripy. Acts to fade at the Tsomo OSCIB CONSOLIDASI, Venezoelska Postriyya Yogo in the Kradizhi, presidential vigors at Lipni NIV.
Bloomberg attached, ahead of the press of the Pokyvyi CHAVESTY Zmіnity to the constitutions 1999, Knock did not wake up the prestrack Kilkosti Voice 2007 Rock. Admiral President of the United States Donald Trump wants a snake from Venezuela. Zokrema, Schob Nikolas Maduro, having left the post of Govay. Odrazi is an unazus, a yachki of a mantel of real realization.
Terminov, that is important about Vіin Rosyan, read on the channel RBC-Ukraine in Telegram.