• 19/02/2025 04:45

“Publno take 180 days.” Having said Kellogs about Vіin in Ukrainian Ta Trump

special messenger of the US president kit KT KELLOGY VISTIPE to whom lancі in the framework of the Munich conference of the nonsense 2025. I zokrem, taking the Publichnaya Zobov’s owns for 180 days in the back of all the guns for the completed Viyni in Ukraine.

RBC-Ukrainian Zibral, declare Kelllog.


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Kelloga to the peaceful reservoir < P>PIDHID KELLLOL before the SUNGULUVANNE in Ukrainian – NIKO NOT WILECHITIS IN THE PROPERTER. VIN Higherly, President Donald Trump Mensh NIZh 30 DNIV in OFISI, ALE for Tsi Hour of Yogo Adminiye, Belshogo, NIZh TREAM FOR THE ROKIA. Humannosti. I want to poke the edge, Zokrem to the fact that they are tasting that the Ukrainian guides to distort the American in the bark of that. VIN VIDENSIVENSIVE TO THE BOVEV I RIVEN RUNIVAN, having finished the other SVITOVA.

“I President Trump, Kazh, ShO Povvyni Tsidiniti. On the Central Conference Mi Bachimo, people are revered by Rosumi, Cho Povinni Zupiniti,” said Kellog. I Zrobit everything, Schob Ukrainian Bula is trimmed at his own rights. It is important to be hungry with the same allies.

“Yaku the role of a stench (єvropeytsi, – ed.) Vidigratima is a stir, important. Mi Sami Tsoogo is not able to zrobit, for a dovgostrovaya world, the President Zelensky is not able to viclucci. , Ts, they are in the nachy spihanni with allies, ”Kelloglog is pushing. Ale Rishennya behind Trump

Ukrainian partners prazuyut over the riznimi warrants of warranty flapekes. Usy surroundings on the table, Ale residual RISSHENNE BODE for Trump. VOUSNE, KELLLOL I attached to the conference in Munich – to discuss the guarantor, Schob Potim represent the Trump.

“Mi yomo Radimo, vin grabbing the rowen. Mi guards dati yoma warty. It is not able to vіdkidati nіchogo. Yaksho vi Tizhnya Romi, then varnish is briefly rusty. Important, the president himself, on the basics of the ted /p> “Публічно беру 180 днів і починаю зворотний відлік”

За контакти з Європою та Україною відповідатиме сам Келлог, за контакти з Росією – Стів Віткофф, який раніше був задіяний в укладенні угоди про припинення вогню в Секторі Гази та обміні ув 'ranges of the Rosyyu.

“Mi Tere Robimo for Shvidkosti, Tom Pitannya – if I have been zedin. I live for Trump’s hour – Vin to ask for Syogodnі, and tomorrow he was noted, it’s not thawed. I take 180 days I take it from the pissing vіdlik, Schobi School of Bulia Buli “,” said Kelloglog.

with such a rank, behind the yogo words, all the same for the stalo world, the novelty of the novelty is not out of the way, but the sovereignty of Ukraine Buv will be forgotten. Kiwa

Tizhny's offensive KELLOLOL VIDVIDA Turning Kroki will be the coordinator of the posterity of the consultants of Donald Trump.

“Mi porivnia, our notes (at once by SIVEVEN VITKOFFOM, – Ed.), It is spoke to the Ovalny Kabinet with the president. To tell the allies, yak survivors the Settish world, yak of the stench, talk about the oblivion of the cordon. In the frame, with the man, I did not bounce the Treba prazuvati, and the wounds, ”the heating of vin.”If we talk about those, the sidelit at the table, I’m here, Schobrati INFORMATIC. I am a diplomat. Ukrainians, Rosіyani that is Americans … I will be yak by the seconds,” ascending vin.

It is easy to talk about the canal of the row, Ale in the negotiations is at the same time reach the stubborn cordones of the flapekes. “Mi Zbrasmo Dan, Schob – so TS MAH Vyglyadati. I Todi to the Bucks Storin, Yaki Voyvyu, – Chi Tsynnaya for Rosіian I Ukrainian,” said Kellog.

It is imperative, wounded by the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky repeatedly Kazava, Cho Yoma is not the same by the secondary of the Putіnim, the Oskilka VIN attacked the region. The Ukrainian Lider wants, Shchob I Trump, I єvropa Buli at the negotiation table on the yogo boots.

єvropopa, he will not be negotiating at the table at the table of the negotiation at the table, I wanted it to be stolen about the yogo configuration. Under Tsomo, Kellogs were giving Zrozumiy, he doesn’t fade єvropa behind him. Chocha, єvropeiykі izhoteresi will be divin.

The problem is, after yogo words, the Trump does not want to repeat the problem of the Minsk format, if the bagato of people was booed, Ale Ts did not bring success. “Mi is not repeatedly repeated,” said Kelloglog. Will you sit at a trial table? Chi VSI will be your INNERESSIS INTRODUCTION in Tsi Conversation? So. Yakshcho, I am on Sidizi Sidіti at the table, then ni, ” – fed -up to the єvropysk representations.

on the shutters of the borders of the shutters Maria Malmeres Stalmerg, the yakscho US Bulo is directed to Ukraine, then the representers are unequivocally May Boti at the negotiating table.

Cho will “vibrant saving” for Ukrainian

on the duma of KELLLOL, not to be crushed by the Vogny with the reason “Minska -2”, not to be a dovgostokovy peaceful dog. Completely, the correct core … The warfare of the mirror of the peaceful Dogovir is not a virtual succession, the Voznikhuhu Bode Todi, if it was dried up by Vognya Yak Usi Owls Vidreaguy. A weakness to please “for Ukraine

KELLOL TS CURST. Behind the yogo words, Trump does not give up the important INERES. I want it to have a nasam -shut -on -bloom on the important Etapas.

“Persh – Tse Zupinka Viyini, Potim Etapi 2, 3 I DALI – Treba Treba Vognya, Shop Treba Zrobiti? Treba Termin. Valnoye, stabilly, stink the flaps, reach the spockes of the Zupinki Vognya, I do not important, pusk, saying, the sameOn the yogo dumka, on the tedu, Treba is divorced in the context of geostrategi. To the same time, the fraud of alliance, Irani I Dandr, the Chotiri Rocky is not Blut. Zbilshila Zabovli, vsі -iz in the cowl Trump, saying Treba “Pivniy Potk”, єvrososyuz is dashing. /p>

behind the heads of the announcements of the Munich conference of the stitches in the online RBC-Ukrainian.

Nagada, wounded at the main sesy Vistepa Vistymir Zelensky. VIN, saying, having mentioned the hour of storing the Obtanni Zbroini stir in єvropi, the okіvropeiski Kranensa cannot be stood, Yakshcho Putin is called misfortune.

Golovni Golovni Golovni Zelentysky Zyensky in the rhizome publekatsi > Termi Tu Izlivi Polodidlennya about Vіna Rosії Aggrapery Read on the channel RBC-Ukraine in Telegram.

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