about the cereal of RBK-Ukrainian, to the preservation of the Librarian reference to China. It is a constructive role in the design of the Crishes of the Crisis with a half -tires to constructively, – I get the same Itovy The world, stable that is the rod. ” Having stated, Pekin Prepai Psyvyuvati SPIVPRACU in the RIZNICH spheres, PIDRIMOVATI KEPOLOVO ROOT ROOTH ROLE OF THE MIMENITY SYSTOUTY TO ONE INTERY INECHENSIA, SCHO ROOVIVAYA Ty Brazilsko-Chitaiciki Zv ' The stages are at the RIZNIKH spheres, and such a thing for the Zachist of the MITENOMENSED Chesnosti,
Nagadami, ShO of the injection 2024 China, they were bored with the same title “The peaceful plan” of the sixth point of the Ukrainian. Nomoma was in the talk, the talk – the gay of the jam “Ukrainian Crisis”.
“Plan” was actively dried in the fields of the UN Genasablae at the Minoi Rock. Китай, Бразилія та деякі інші країни Глобального Півдня домовилася створити платформу “Друзі миру”, щоб сприяти врегулюванню війни в Україні.
Додамо, що вчора, 15 лютого, міністр закордонних справ України Андрій Сибіга зустрівся з главою МЗС Китаю Van і at Munich. Having requested a Chinese king to Kiwa, he was jaming to the spell of the Ukrainian formed the world.
Terminov, Toglivi Viodomalenna about the wire, read on the canal of RBC-Ukraine in Telegram.