• 21/02/2025 10:25

How to save cut flowers longer than fresh: proven ways

Cut flowers can delight with their beauty much longer if properly cared for. There are a few simple but effective methods that will help to continue their freshness, writes IZ. Adherence to these tips will keep flowers fresh for many days and sometimes even weeks. -toc-title-toggle “> Toggle

  • Preparation of flowers before put in water

    Before putting flowers in a vase, you should take several preparatory steps:

    • Cutting. stems should be cut at an angle of 45 degrees to increase the water absorption area. Do it better under running water or in water to avoid air into the capillaries.
    • Removal of excess leaves. The leaves that will be in the water should be cut to prevent rotting and bacteria.
    • processing of stems. to prevent them from losing moisture too fast. Optimal conditions For cut flowers

      In order for the flowers to remain fresh longer, it is important to create the right conditions:

      • Choosing the right water. Chlorinated tap water can reduce the life of a bouquet.
      • correct capacity. The vase should be clean, without bacteria and microorganisms. It is better to wash it with soap solution or boiling water before use.
      • temperature. flowers do not like direct sunlight, drafts and high temperatures. The best place for them is the cool, shaded room. Adding nutrients to water

        To extend the freshness of flowers, you can add special solutions or simple components that are available in each home:

        1. sugar and citric acid. a liter of water add 1 teaspoon of sugar and a few drops of lemon juice. It gives flowers the necessary power.
        2. aspirin. Crushed aspirin tablet helps fight water in water.
        3. activated charcoal or charcoal. or vodka. a teaspoon of vinegar or a few drops of vodka help to decontaminate water. = “%D0%AF%D0%BA_%D1%87%D0%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE_%D0%B7%D0%BC%D1%96%D0%BD%D1%8E %D0%b2%d0%b0%D1%82%d0%b8_%d0%d0%be%d0%b4%d1%83_%D1%83_%D0%b2%d0%b0%d0%d0%b7%d1 %96 “> How often to change the water in the vase

          water should be changed every 1-2 days. It is important to trim the stems tips every time to improve the absorption of fluid. If water becomes turbid, it should be changed immediately. What flowers need special care