• 12/03/2025 00:27

Skilki Bulo was attacked by Naftovikh Op'Kktv in the Russian Federation with a hijacker 2025 Rock: Pydrahunok Zmi

vipads of the Understanding Statement of Naveline, Naft Bond the same ash Get a wrapper. The hijacking of the PID attack was launched by naptov, in ten areas of the Country-Agresor.

about the cereal of RBC-Ukrainian, to the Astra. P'yatnitzi Bulo Zavdano Drive Izanni Drons on the Naftobaz “Yuttek”, Shcho Rostashovan in the Bєlgorodskiy Region.

“The nonsense were attacked by the tiring of Naftobazi” Yuttek “at the district selishchyvka at the NICHICA Ili Astra Vlasni Jerela.

Behind the Dani Rosіyki Vidann, ahead of the result of the jerking attacks of Poshkojen, he was not bouncing.

Takozh, the vidanni was attached, the wound naftobaza was attacked by the injection 2024 Rock, the vnsolido ushogzhennya renounced the reservoir >

to the urahuvanni vipad with the attack of the UAV on the “yuttek” of Minoi Tizhnya, they pydrazami in Roszmi, for the sinques of the unique pair of the tederation of the Terito of the Russian Federation Buli are attacked 16 naphthovikh Ob'kktv. And Mama:

  • Vishchev -directed the UAV attack in the Bєlgorodskiye Covered on the UTETECE NAFTOBAZ.
  • У Кропоткіні Краснодарського краю був удар по нафтоперекачувальній станції (НПС) “Кропоткінська”.
  • У Тверській області двічі була атакована НПС “Андреаполь”.
  • У Нижегородській області був удар по нафтохімічному заводу ” Sibur-Kstovo.
  • In Smolenskiy Bula Bula, Rosneft’s naftobaza is attacked,
  • from Volgogradsky Dvichi PDs, by spending the naphthalous factory “Lukoil”.
  • At Kaluzkiy Close Bula attack on the Personal Factory refinery.On the Kuban, the BPL attacked the AFP refinery.
  • at the Krasnodar region of the attacks of the Nafto -Perential Plant of TOV “Slovansk”.
  • At the Rostovskiye Bula Bula is attacked, the stalls of AT “Transneft-stolga”.
  • At the Volgograd Soveti Buv Provonius “Andriyanivska”. Kam'yansku.
  • The Ryazanciy Covet Buv Buvs Blows Bezpіlotnitniki on the refinery.
  • In the Orthovskovo UAVs, the refinery was attacked by the MISTI LIVNI.
  • hit the naphthic of the rosy

    nado, vchora Jerel RBK-Ukraine at the Service of the Klazpovili, the NICH TOPILITY OF SBU of the SBU of the Special Operations. Vіdraza two important Pidprimanism near the Krasnodar region of the Russian Federation. Йдеться про Ільський нафтопереробний завод (НПЗ) та нафтоперекачувальну станцію “Кропоткінська”.

    Додамо, вчора голова Центру протидії дезінформації при РНБО Андрій Коваленко розповів, яку роль відіграє Ільський нафтопереробний завод у ворога.

    KRIM, 17 fiercely, it became a naibilshi napdoppering stance “Kaspіskiysky pipe consortion” “Kropotkinska” Bula Vyveli Urannya nonsense.

    Matereal wrote, Chim Important attacks by Ukrainian on the Rosiysk refinery, such a tede.

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