• 13/03/2025 05:44

Tsіni for gas at єvropi collapsed Pisl Dvoprichny to the maximum

th Rivnya for three tizhni on tli pesta The tuning of the PISLA is difficult to make 2025 Rock. F'YURIS on Habi TTF in the NILERLENDS fell up to 50.6 єvro for megavat-seno (near 560 Dolar for Tysyachu Kubometer).

about the cereal Bloomberg.

Minoi Tizhnya Tsіnya was picked up to 58 Dolard (Blizko 635 Dolard for Tysyachu Kubometer) – the maximum for two rocks. ONE POMAM GAZ GAZHAVHAVAHA, pHOT RIDED NANIVEV BILSHA PARNA GROUND ROCE ROCE.

left-handed tigers in єvropi Zrostannnya Tsin, Zkilki coldly the weather called to Shvidky Viluchennya Zakovikh is a bastard, Viklika is a fighting, Sho Traderi do not sniff out a sufficient gas for the ї ї ї ї ї ь igo lint. Ale speaks to the RIVNI єvropoe Union about the can of pestilence to the pestless Vimog to Zberigannya Doporal to settle the dex zikh divan.

Nasyzi the weather is Dopomaga, I can, the temperature at the pivnik arrogance of the zvichynoye seasonal tinnie with nuclear days. Import of scheduled natural gas in the єvropa taco zris Ostannim, dopomoglniti Vilninnya reserves. CD7578D88DF808C37D6C57597BE4BE. JPG ” />

Anali Rystad Energy wrote in their deputy deputy, ShO, behind the їkhniy itsyanni, the palette in the єvro -eight -eater cubes are close up to 43 billion kubometer, the commandment of the commandment of the commandment of the commandment approximately Up to 48 billion cubic meter, Abo 43%, to Kinzi Oplyuvalno season of the birch birch.

NBU Ochіku, Shcho on the natural gas on the єvropeiki rink I’ll be relying on the otigykuva of the vice of the prostle to drunk, nasam -shutters of the supply of supplies of LNG. The remaining can be made, the global-plane, the Vobronitvva ZPG is simply zbil, and the role of the steel bilsh in the єvropi gaps is the rosvitka ZPG-Infrastructure.

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