• 12/03/2025 00:58

Ukrainian movie “Stone, Scissors, Paper” received BAFTA Award

Короткометражний фільм про війну в Україні “Камінь, ножиці, папір” став лауреатом престижної кінопремії BAFTA у номінації “Найкращий британський короткометражний фільм ”, Writes IZ with reference to ew.

The tape is based on real events that took place in February 2022. This is the story of a young boy Ivan, who survived the horrors of war, and after the events that changed his life, voluntarily joined the Armed Forces. He later went to study in the United Kingdom, where he accidentally met the young director Franz, who was only 23 years old at the time of the shooting. Svetlichny who died in the Russian-Ukrainian war five days before the start of the shoot.

“I dedicate this award to my friend, Jenny Svitlychny, who died in the war five days before the start of filming. And also to anyone who protects my country and makes it independent. Glory to Ukraine! ” – said Rudinsky, receiving the award.

The movie lasts only 20 minutes and tells about the young boy Ivan, who lives in eastern Ukraine. His father is a surgeon who operates the wounded military and civilians in the hospital at the forefront. The protagonist tries to protect patients from Russian invaders who came to our land. “https://www.youtube.com/embed/1h83_ka0obw?feature=oembed” Frameborder = “0” Alow = “Accelerometer; ture; Web-Share “ReferrPolicy =” strict-origin-when-cross-origin “ALLOWFULLSCRENCREN>

The movie, except Rudinsky, was also played by Sergey Kalantai, Yuri Radionov and Alexander Yatsenko. We remind, earlier it was reported that the Ukrainian drama “Bucha” became a hit of Netflix in Ukraine


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