Chess is a game where every move matters and the initial moves determine the nature of the party. One of the most popular chess moves is E2-E4 . It is not just a tradition, but a reasonable choice that has a historical, strategic and practical explanation, writes the industrialist. Why did this move become a classic discovery and what is so special about it? -title-toggle “>
- Why not D2-D4 or other moves? TOC-PAGE-1 EZ-TOC-HEADING-LEVEL-2 ' CLASS = 'EZ-TOC-Page-1 EZ-TOC-HEADING-LEVEL-2' -level-2 '>Best Answer to E2-E4
Advantages of the course E2-E4
initial course E2-E4 has some important advantages that make it the best choice for starting game: < /p>
- Center control Opening the pawn on E4, the player immediately takes control of the central fields of D5 and F5. This allows you to create a stable position and influence the further development of figures. attacks. Other options, such as D2-D4, do not give the same instant access to the enzyme.
- game flexibility
This move opens up opportunities for various debut systems: the Spanish Party, the Italian Party, the Scottish Party, the debut of the royal pedestrian and many others. A player can choose a game style according to your own preferences.
- traditional and proven choice < << for centuries, Grasmaster has used E4 as a basic move in classic parties. Many debut theories are built around this course. id = “%d0%a7%d0%be%d0%bc%D1%83_%d0%bd%d0%b5_d2-d4_%d0%b0%d0%b1%d0%be_%D1%96%d0%BD% D1%88%D1%96_%D1%85%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%B8 “> Why not D2-D4 or other moves? It is also popular, it has its own peculiarities. It closes the diagonal for the enzyme and elephant, and therefore the player is forced to make more efforts for their development. In addition, debuts after D4 often lead to more closed positions, while E4 allows you to develop a dynamic game.
other moves such as C2-C4 (English discovery) or < Strong> G2-G3 (Catalary debut), also have their supporters, but they do not give such an immediate struggle for the center. ID = “%D0%A1%D1%82%D0%D1%82%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8%D1%87%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0% B9_%d0%b 0%D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%BB%D1%96%D0%B7_%D1%85%D0%D0%B4%D1%83_E2-E4 “> statistical Analysis of the course of E2-E4
According to chess parties statistics, e4 is the most common first-time among players all levels:
first course Frequency of use percentage of white victories E2-E4 ≈ 50% 54% D2-D4 ≈ 35% 52% C2-C4 ≈ 10% 51% g2-G3 ≈ 5% 50% As can be seen from the table, E2-E4 is not only the most common but also brings the highest percentage of victories White debut, debut Starting with E2-E4
After first course E4 white can choose many debuts, including:
- Spanish Party (1. E4 E5 2. NF3 NC6 3. BB5) – one of the deepest studied debuts in chess theory.
- The Italian Party (1. E4 E5 2. NF3 NC6 3. BC4) – Rapid Development of Figures and Attack on a Weak F7. > – the answer of black that leads to a complex game.
- French protection (1. E4 E6) – black prepare for a closed game. >
best Response to the course of E2-E4
after 1. E4 black has several strong answers that form the further development of the party. The most popular variants among the Grandmaster are 1 … E5 and 1 … C5 (Sicilian Protection) .
- 1 … E5 is a classic answer that leads to open debuts such as Spanish and Italian parties. Black strive for symmetrical control of the center and rapid development of figures.
- 1 … C5 (Sicilian defense) is an aggressive option in which the black immediately undermine the control of the white above the center, preparing an asymmetric game. This move is popular with attacking players because it gives black a good chance on a counterattack.
- 1 … E6 (French protection) – black prepare D5 to counter the center, although it is necessary to sacrifice early elephant development.
- 1 … C6 (Karo-Kann Protection)-blacks also prepare D5, but in a calmer and more positional style. ; E5 for classic game, 1 … C5 for active fight, 1 … E6 or 1 … C6 for a stronger and more strategic game. It opens many opportunities for active development, controls the center and gives a white initiative. Despite the fact that there are alternative first moves, E4 remains the most flexible and effective. If you want to play dynamically and actively, this move is a great choice for any chess player!
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