Understand the oligation of the core, the USA, Jacques, Jacques. Zobov and Vikonuvati St. UN Assisting Korea through ї nucadnu ib rockets. Rice Pogozhena behind the pydsumki installed by the all-in-line kerivo komteta of the baguine-sorrow Monitoring Sankei (msmt).
about the dube-Ukraina of the U.S. U.
At the Pershoma Zavodanni MSMT, Scho Blutbulo, in Washingtoni, took fate for the representatives of the Australian, Canadi, Frances, Nimechini, Iltaliy, Japanese, Nodrandi, New Zeland, Great British, USA.
Behind the results of the Bula’s entry, Zaplaw, in the Yakii, in the Otklivi-Feads Msmt, we’ll have been a wait for our zobovs to the pirimuvati world, the world is the global regime of the nuclear, the viniki vin vene Zbro Masovnoye Zhchennya (ZMZ) I DPRK BASTICH MASTERS.
“Kerivny com ridet msmt pіdkresli ours ilnu ryshchіstya Viconati Vidpovіdni resolutions of the UN UN DPRK,” the USA was reported to the derivatives. Flooded by vіdkritim, ”they jammed the mustache and the sovereigns to the global zusil” for the piditrim of the mute to the world that is nonsense in front of the post -bacon of the DPRK I TIHA, who are inquisitive of the UN RB ”.
At the landlord Rospovili, the MSMT MSMT MSMT є iliyannya viconun, for the sake of the no -lapex of the UN pivnik Korea, “the gay of Publika -format. I demanded the udilni vib them, and such a habitable arrogant іz forgotten Viconnia. “
MSMT BULO was made in the Zhovtni Minoi Rock Pilo Veto RF in the Berezi 2024, Yak, the hex of the Expert Cometrate 1718 sakeed the UN flap (Monitoring UN Cruary), and came to the American VIDEMITY. Ninishna Vydannya is close through Chotiri Mysyatsi that, the yak of the Otkli-people of the Group launched a hide mechanism.
msmt Plansykuvati Svikonnnya Sanziyi Mysyatsі, Zerezhnoye on his own Nadanni content, Visvіtlyu okennya Sankei with the DPRK ZI with meaningful layers for nonsense, Rospovil yonhap diplomatic jerylo. DPRK
NAGADAM, Berezny 2024 Rock of the Russian Federation, yak is a post-a-member member of the UN Radbez, laid a veto on the abnormalness of the sink of the UN EXPECPETS, the YAKA STLOSE OF VICONNAMA Person by member authorities of the organized sanctuary of the DPRK. Komіsіya cut her robot of 30 kvіtnya.
Paid the veto on her own serpentine vіsyskovo, spvypratsi, pikuyu, Trivauyo Veyni Office.
11 Krasan stored MSMT for sinking to Monitoring Sankei Chodo Dandr.
Terminovi that is important about vіin Rosyan, read on the channel RBC-Ukraine in Telegram.