Christian-democratic union to the Union Frіdrih Mertz Vistepav іz by the US critic. VIN Vyzha, ShO TRABI BUTI BILSH IMPENSIONAL WID STARIV.
about the CTI RBC -OKRAYANA Zilani on Bild. Lidder HDS.
vin, who was saying, the vice of Minoi Tizhnya, Stan Zrozumilo, the USA, the USA WIDEN BAIDUZHAYA MAKHEBUTS. . Pislya Beded the result, the Ekzit-Paul Frikrich Mertz declared, the yogo party vigil.
Zgіdno with the non-fraudimen-pole, Party of the CDS at once by his own Bavarskoye Partye Christian social union. (CSS), scored 29% of the voice.
wounded Mertz, jaming the French I British to the negotiation about nuclear Zachist. It is possible for the pogrozami of the Admin and the President of the United States that the vid is vid piditrima єvrop.
Terminovi that is Vyne Rosіya Assistance Read to the RBC-Ukraine Canal in Telegram.