• 03/03/2025 15:14

What has changed in the rules of armor during mobilization: main innovations

The Cabinet of Ministers recently praised the changes to the order of armoring military personnel involved in mobilization, as well as allowing enterprises that have not yet been able to confirm their criticality and re-armor their pratsіvniki, work until 31 Bereznya. Until this date, the “reservations” of the providers of such businesses will be revoked.

RBC-Ukraine has collected major innovations in the materials below.

Main innovations:

Shvidka cancels the line. Now they can be collected once for 5 days, and not once per month.

Reassurance of the mobilized. Until the end of permitted duties, armored vehicles will be mobilized after May 18, 2024.

Updated approaches to the salary structure. Through the transition to a monthly rate, the average salary of an enterprise will now be paid for the remaining calendar month, and not for the quarter.

Automatic salary verification. Over the course of a month, the Pension Fund and the Ministry of Finance may improve the electronic exchange of data for automatic verification of the salary type of workers (up to 20 thousand hryvnia) for reservations.

Important: you can submit an application for the reservation of medical workers only through the “Diya” portal. This means that employees of enterprises no longer need to fill out paper orders – the process is completed entirely in electronic format.

In this case, if the candidate has already made a reservation, the prior reservation must be canceled before submitting a new application.

How to apply for the reservation of healthcare workers through “Diya”:

  • Log in to the “Diya” portal.
  • Turn to the service “Armor of the workers” and press “Submit an application.”
  • Enter the necessary data from the doctors.
  • Confirm your salary level.
  • Check the application and sign it (this may create a backup document for the enterprise or renew the signatories).
  • To see the result – a notification about the review of the application can be found on the electronic mail and portal “Diya”.

Confirmed armor will appear in the Reserve+ checkbox. Since the armor was given after updating the status of a critically important enterprise, it is valid for the period of criticality – up to 1 day.

Critical enterprise status can be revoked by companies that meet three criteria in order. Two of them are obligatory:

  • the average salary of legal workers is not less than 20,000 UAH;
  • The number of obligations related to payment of taxes and ESV.

The third criterion for entrepreneurship can be one of these:

  • payment of taxes and fees over 1.5 million euros per river (equivalent in hryvnias);
  • foreign exchange requirements over 32 million euros per river (including positions and loans);
  • strategic importance for the economy and security of the state (due to the orderly spillover, PKMU No. 83 dated 03/04/2015);
  • important for the local economy and territorial community (criteria are determined by the subordinate government bodies, OVA);
  • Diya.City resident status;
  • provision of electronic communication services at the same time as income.

How to get rid of the status of a critically important enterprise:

  • Significant profile body (Ministry of Energy, Mintsifri, Minagro etc.).
  • Prepare and submit documents (financial statements, salary statements and tax discipline).
  • Submit your application to the relevant authority and receive a decision (up to 10 business days).
  • Cancel official confirmation.

It is expected that in the spring of 2024, after we are informed about the abnormal increase in the number of critically important enterprises and reserved employees, the order of conducting an audit of enterprises that may have the right to reserve their pratsivniki.

According to Prime Minister Denis Shmigal, “the review revealed few problematic issues,” but without specifying the details.

On the same day, a number of people praised the decision to change the criteria for armoring workers during mobilization. The criteria for determining the criticality of enterprises have also been updated. The stench is clearly conveyed that the regional and Galuzian criteria for the criticality of enterprises are consistent with the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Economy.

In this way, for those who have already made a “reservation”, we have carried out the transition period on new minds until the 28th of February, so that before this date all enterprises have renewed the armor of their workers now with new minds regardless of how or if it happened.

However, during the next few days, the Cabinet of Ministers extended the deadline until March 31st. As Smigal explained, this decision was praised through the Russian large-scale cyber attack on Ukrainian registries. Remnants of the direct attack were immediately closed to the work of state registries, and some of the services were not working in the “Action” lockup.

It is expected that by 2025, according to official data in Ukraine, there is a “reservation” due to the mobilization of 900-950 thousand conscripts.

During the preparation of the material, the following sources were consulted: the press service of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine and the Facebook page of the Chernihiv Regional TCC and JV.

Read terminology and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine on the RBC-Ukraine channel on Telegram.

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