• 12/03/2025 20:10

What is “immer wieder” – translation from German, explanation and examples of use in Ukrainian

“Immer wieder” is an adverbial phrase that means “again and again”, “constantly”, “from time to time” or “periodically”.

It emphasizes the repeatability of an action and is used in situations where something happens not once, but repeatedly or regularly, writes iz.com.ua.

1. The meaning of “ever again”:

1. “Over and over again” (continuously, with a certain regularity):

• Beispiel: Er macht immer wieder denselben Fehler.

(He makes the same mistake over and over again.)

• Beispiel: Immer wieder gibt es Probleme mit der Technik.

(There are constant problems with the equipment.)

2. “From time to time” (periodically, but not constantly):

• Beispiel: Ich treffe meine alten Schulfreunde immer wieder.

(I meet my old school friends from time to time.)

• Beispiel: Es regnet immer wieder in dieser Jahreszeiten.

(It rains periodically at this time of year.)

3. “Over and over again” (with some persistence or repetition through effort):

• Example: Er versuchte immer wieder, die Prüfung zu besten.

(He tried again and again to pass the exam.)

• Beispiel: Sie erüttet mich immer wieder daran, das Fenster zu schließen.

(She keeps reminding me to close the window.)

2. Synonyms for “ever again”:

1. “Ständig” – constantly.

2. “Oftmals” – often.

3. “Wiederholt” – repeatedly.

4. “Immer wieder aufs Neue” – again and again, every time in a new way.

5. “Ab und zu” – from time to time (less intensively than “immer wieder”).

3. Comparison with other similar expressions:

Expression Value
Always again Over and over again, regularly, constantly (but with pauses).
Still Still, still (about a long-term situation).
Already again Again (usually with displeasure).
Every time Every time.
Oft Often, but without an emphasis on repetition.

4. Examples of sentences with “immer wieder”:

1. Er kommt immer wieder zu spät zur Arbeit.

(He is constantly late for work.)

2. Immer wieder passieren dieselben Fehler.

(The same mistakes happen again and again.)

3. Ich höre mir dieses Lied immer wieder an.

(I listen to this song over and over again.)

4. Er versucht immer wieder, sie anzurufen.

(He keeps trying to call her.)

5. Immer wieder habe ich von diesem Problem gehört.

(I've heard about this problem many times.)

5. Summary:

• “Immer wieder” means “again and again”, “constantly”, “periodically”.

• Used to emphasize the repetition of an action.

• Has a more intense meaning than “oft” or “ab und zu”.

Read also Der Arbeitsberater translation into Ukrainian, meaning and examples of use in sentences


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