March 14 is a special day in the church calendar, when believers honor the memory of St. Benedict, as well as the Grand Duke of Kiev Rostislav, writes IZ. The people call this date Benedict's Day. In addition, according to the old style, today is the day of memory of St. Eudokia of Iliopol. Let's consider the traditions, signs and prohibitions associated with this day.
- What is the church holiday in Ukraine today according to the new style?
- What church holiday is March 14, old style?
- Folk omens for March 14
- What not to do on March 14
- What to do on March 14
- Who celebrates their birthday on March 14?
What is the church holiday in Ukraine today according to the new style?
According to the new church calendar, March 14 (or March 27 according to the old style) is the day of remembrance of St. Benedict, the founder of the Benedictine order.
Benedict was born in 480 in Nursia, Italy. He was raised in piety, and at a young age he decided to dedicate his life to God. After studying in Rome, where he was struck by the immorality of the city, Benedict chose the path of hermitism. He founded the monastery of Monte Cassino, which became the center of the Benedictine order. Known for his miraculous powers, Saint Benedict helped the sick and even resurrected a child.
In addition, this day honors the holy prince Rostislav of Kiev, who lived in the 12th century. He was the grandson of Vladimir Monomakh, ruled the Smolensk principality for over 40 years and founded the Smolensk diocese there. After ascending the Kiev throne, the prince tried to make a Rus' man become the metropolitan, but he encountered resistance from the Patriarchate of Constantinople. He is known for his piety and plans to become a monk, which he never managed to carry out.
What church holiday is March 14, old style?
According to the old Julian calendar, today is the feast day of Saint Eudokia of Iliopol. She was a Christian martyr who converted to the faith after repentance and led a righteous life. Her example teaches true service to God.
Folk omens for March 14
March 14 has long been associated with weather and harvest predictions:
- If thunder rumbles on this day, the summer will be fruitful.
- Sparrows are bathing in dust – it will get warmer soon.
- High clouds – the weather will improve soon.
- A woodpecker knocks on a dry tree – warmth will soon come.
- If it's freezing today, the cold will last another week.
What not to do on March 14
On a church holiday you should not:
- Swearing, arguing, insulting others.
- To deceive, to be lazy, to be jealous.
- Insulting animals, because they have special power on this day.
- Use sharp objects – do not chop wood, sharpen knives, or cut anything without urgent need.
What to do on March 14
- Pray to Saint Benedict – he helps with family matters and healing illnesses.
- Take care of pets – it is believed that they can fulfill wishes.
- Fasting – hot dishes with oil are allowed on this day.
Who celebrates their birthday on March 14?
Today's name days are celebrated by:
- According to the new style: Benedict, Rostislav, Michael, Theodosius.
- According to the old style: Alexander, Alexandra, Anna, Anton, Antonina, Vasily, Veniamin, Daria, Evdokia, Ivan, Mikhail.
This day is important for Orthodox believers, as it reminds us of the power of prayer, repentance, and spiritual growth. Observance of traditions helps to attract prosperity into life and avoid adversity.
We remind you that we previously wrote about the church holiday of March 13, traditions and folk signs of this day.