• 22/03/2025 02:27

What is “kes ke se”? Meaning and translation from French

The phrase “ques que se” is a popular expression in French that can occur in a variety of contexts, and therefore requires a closer look to properly understand its meaning.


  • The phrase “kes ke se”: origin
  • Relationship with other expressions
  • Translation and application in Ukrainian
  • Using the phrase in everyday life

The phrase “ques que se” or “Qu'est-ce que c'est?” is one of the most common in the French language, and it can be heard in many everyday situations, writes IZ.com.ua. It is used when a person wants to know more about an object, phenomenon, or situation that arouses interest or surprise. This question is fundamental to understanding how questions work in French. Since French is known for its complex grammar and variety of expressions, understanding simple and frequently used phrases like this one is an important step towards mastering the language. In this context, “ques que se” allows a person not only to ask about the meaning of incomprehensible things, but also to actively interact with their surroundings, expressing their surprise or curiosity. This phrase is part of the basic vocabulary that everyone who is learning French or planning a trip to French-speaking countries should know.

The phrase “kes ke se”: origin

“Ques que se?” is a French expression that translates to “What is this?” or “What is this?” It is usually used to express surprise, question, or curiosity about something that is new or incomprehensible to a person.

In French, this phrase has a simple structure: “Qu'est-ce que c'est?” and is a very common way to ask about an object or phenomenon that is unfamiliar. The word “Qu'est-ce” is an abbreviation of “qu'est-ce que”, which literally translates as “what is it”, and “c'est” is a form of the verb “être” (to be), which means “it is” or “this”.

Relationship with other expressions

This expression can be seen frequently in a variety of contexts, including in conversations when someone wants to clarify information about an unknown or strange phenomenon. For example, if someone sees an unusual object, they might say: “Qu'est-ce que c'est?” to find out what it is.

There is also another popular variation of this expression, “C'est quoi?”, which is more informal and conversational. Depending on the situation and the level of formality of the conversation, you can choose one or the other.

Translation and application in Ukrainian

In direct translation, “Qu'est-ce que c'est?” means “What is this?” This question is asked when a person wants to know what kind of object is in front of them or what is happening in a particular situation. Among the synonyms, you can use “What is this?” or even “What kind of thing?” The expression “kes ke se” is quite universal, because it can be used to clarify anything that arouses interest or needs explanation.

Using the phrase in everyday life

In the French speaking world, the phrase “Qu'est-ce que c'est?” is extremely popular and is used in everyday conversations, for example when a person wants to know more about an unfamiliar object or situation. It can often be heard in contexts where something is surprising, surprising, or needs further explanation.

The phrase “ques que se” or “Qu'est-ce que c'est?” in French is a standard way to ask about something you don’t understand or something new. It means “What is it?” and is an integral part of everyday French conversations. Knowing this expression will help you understand basic questions in French conversations and expand your communication skills.

Also, find out what the phrase Call of Duty means.


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