• 26/07/2024 20:00

Pensions and salaries of Ukrainians: the PFU showed how payments will increase from 2024

The State Budget 2024 of our country, in addition to increasing expenditures for national defense, also provides for raising the rates of social assistance to the population.

Pensions and salaries of Ukrainians: the Pension Fund of Ukraine showed how payments will increase from 2024

Photo – freepik.com

About how the amount of payments will be adjusted with the arrival of next year , writes “NBN”, referring to the Telegram channel of one of the departments of the Pension Fund of Ukraine (PFU).

In particular, the amounts of certain payments will change in the following order:

  • the overall cost of living will rise to 2 920 hryvnia;
  • social assistance for persons who have lost their ability to work —up to 2 361 hryvnia;
  • social assistance for able-bodied persons — up to 3 028 hryvnia;
  • benefits for children up to six years – up to 2 563 hryvnia;
  • benefits for children from 6 to 18 years – up to 3 196 hryvnia.

Also, from 2024, the government promises to finally increase the minimum wage:

  • from January 1, 2024 – up to 7 100 hryvnia (42.6 hryvnia/hour);
  • from April 1, 2024 – until  8 000 hryvnia (48 hryvnia/hour).

Earlier, our information portal wrote about the fact that the PFU explained when working citizens can stop accruing pension payments.


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