• 26/07/2024 22:57

In the morning there were explosions in Kyiv, air defense is operating in the city: what is known about the situation in the capital

Early this morning, December twenty-ninth, the capital of Ukraine, Kyiv, began to “wake up” to the sounds of explosions. Air defense was working in the city.

In the morning there were explosions in Kiev, air defense is operating in the city: what is known about the situation in the capital

Photo – liga.net

As NBN reports, city mayor Vitali Klitschko stated this. In the TG channel.

In particular, in his message, Klitschko wrote:

There are explosions in Kyiv. Air defense is working. Everyone stay in shelters.

As you know, with the onset of this day, this is already the third air raid alert. The sirens sounded for the last time at 06:47. At the same time, the Armed Forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces warned about the threat of missile strikes.

As of 07:50 hours, repeated explosions occurred in the capital of Ukraine, Kyiv. Mayor Klitschko once again announced the intensive work of air defense in the city.

Remember that we previously wrote about the attack on the Zaporozhye region, which resulted in the death of people.


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