Ukrainians often feel guilty that they survived while their compatriots died, or suffer from remorse, believing that they did not do enough to win. Citizens who have traveled abroad, as well as military personnel, also face this condition. The psychiatrist explained whether something needs to be done with such thoughts and emotions.
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Professor of the Department of General, Child, Forensic Psychiatry and Narcology, National University of Health of Ukraine named after P.L. Shupik Boris Mikhailov explained that feelings of guilt during war are a natural reaction.
NBN reports this with reference to the publication RBC-Ukraine.
According to the doctor of medical sciences , the military experience such emotions because their comrades, with whom they were in the same conditions, are dying. Civilians who left the country are tormented by remorse because they are safe.
At the same time, according to the psychiatrist, not all people suffer from feelings of guilt, but express their pity and sadness because “ this is necessary,” given the situation in society.
The professor advises Ukrainians who are uncomfortable due to feelings of guilt to seek help from specialists to get out of this state.
Previously in the Ministry of Health told Ukrainians how to improve their psychological state during long blackouts.