One of the popular methods of combating excess weight is the “30-30-30” combination of nutrition and exercise. Doctor, nutritionist Tara Schmidt spoke about this method of achieving the figure of your dreams.
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The “30-30-30” rule was introduced in Tim Ferriss’ book “The 4-Hour Body.” The concept is that within 30 minutes of waking up, a person consumes 30 grams of protein and after 30 minutes does a low-intensity workout.
NBN reports this with reference to the New York Post.
The nutritionist noted that breakfast does not have to be eaten half an hour after getting up, since not everyone can digest food that early. Schmidt recommends eating your first meal within a few hours of waking up.
The expert said consuming 30 grams of protein is healthy, but she recalled that the recommended dietary allowance is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. The doctor also advises eating foods with carbohydrates and fiber for breakfast.
Speaking about training immediately after breakfast, the nutritionist recalled that there is not enough research to confirm that after eating you need to move on to exercise so quickly. Schmidt added that it is simply important for people to exercise and eat a balanced diet.
Previously, a nutritionist told how to eat in the cold season so as not to gain weight.