In our country, due to the increase in the minimum wage to 7,100 hryvnia from this month, the sizes and coefficients of the “minimum wage” and salaries in the “Unified Tariff Schedule” were also adjusted.
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About which of the citizens of Ukraine “working for the state” will receive slightly higher salaries in the current year , writes “NBN”, referring to the budget declaration published on the official page of the Ministry of Finance.
The “Unified Tariff Schedule” includes categories and tariff coefficients associated with them, according to which the corresponding rates are calculated for wages, depending on:
- level of personnel qualifications;
- severity/complexity of the work performed.
In addition, the above UTS is used when determining wages in the following areas:
- education;
- culture;
- sports;
- partially in healthcare;
- in various budgetary institutions.
In in particular, the “Unified Tariff Schedule”, valid from January 1 to December 31, 2024, looks like this:
We previously wrote about some regions Ukraine has the most vacancies and the highest salaries.