Russian Telegram channels are distributing a photograph of a military aircraft of the “second army of the world,” presumably the Il-22 air command post of the invaders, which the Ukrainian Armed Forces shot down over the Sea of Azov. Public accounts write that he was able to survive the strike and fly to the airfield.
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Telegram channel Fighterbomber published a photo that allegedly shows a “demilitarized” Il-22 of the occupation forces. Before this, Russian publics claimed that the pilots managed to land the plane after a strike by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, NBN reports.
In Monday, January 15, the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhny confirmed that the defenders “negated” the Il-22 and A-50 of the “second army of the world” in the Azov Sea region. According to the military leader, the liquidation of the invader aircraft is a successful operation of the Ukrainian Air Force.
At the same time, the Kremlin stated that they supposedly have no information about the losses of aviation of the Russian Armed Forces. The speaker of the Russian dictator, Dmitry Peskov, said that such data should be commented on by the Russian Defense Ministry.