• 14/03/2025 10:52

Dovbik and Tsygankov persuaded Girona to buy talent from Dynamo: how much will Brazhko cost the Spaniards

ByJohn Newman

Jan 21, 2024

During the current football season, Vladimir Brazhko effectively participated in 18 matches for Dynamo Kiev, in almost all meetings, in which he scored 3 goals and made 2 assists, and , apparently due to such effectiveness, the Spaniards listened to their Ukrainian legionnaires.

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Photo – gironafc.cat

About the fact that Girona will probably sign the fourth Ukrainian player to its roster, the Spanish club has already begun to study the possibility of transferring Dynamo Kiev midfielder Vladimir Brazhko to itself, writes “ NBN”, referring to the material of the profile portal Gol Digital.

As journalists learned, it was the compatriots of the potential “Girona”, Artem Dovbik and Viktor Tsygankov, who strongly advised the Catalans not to waste time and to think about the transfer The 21-year-old Dynamo player.

However, Girona is in for one small, but expensive surprise: foreign giants who wish to outbid the Dynamo player must take into account that Vladimir Brazhko’s contract provides for the payment of a “clause” , a certain traditional amount of compensation for an athlete, only upon deduction of which, the owner of the rights [capital FC] cannot prevent his transfer to another team.

According to some information, Brazhko’s “clause” amounts to not a lot, and not a little, but 2.9 million euros.

We previously wrote about how the Pitmen’s general director commented on the refusal to transfer Sudakov and the “acquisition” of Kevin .


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