• 26/07/2024 20:47

Pensions of Ukrainians: human rights activists named the reasons for the suspension of payments to citizens

ByJohn Newman

Feb 2, 2024

In our country, situations have become more frequent when not only citizens who left their state are stopped from transferring pension benefits, based on legal grounds.

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Pensions of Ukrainians: human rights activists named the reasons for the suspension of payments to citizens

Photo – 24tv.ua

About the fact that not only when leaving for a permanent place of residence abroad, payments are stopped for pensioners, but also based on additional factors, NBN writes, citing information posted on Facebook. account of the charitable foundation “Right to zakhist”.

In in accordance with the current norms of pension legislation, payment of pensions may be interrupted for the following reasons:

  • the benefit was issued for&nbsp ;based on documentation containing false information;
  • the death of a pensioner recipient was recorded;
  • the benefit was not paid through the Ukrposhta branch for 6 months in a row;
  • in other situations provided for by law, for example, after the expiration of the term training of minors receiving benefits for the loss of a breadwinner;
  • refusal to a pensioner to assign the status of a person with a disability;
  • employment of a person receiving benefits for long service for work in their position , which provides the right to a pension for long service.

It should be noted that the payment of benefits can be resumed only after all the circumstances have been clarified (you should either contact the PFU authorities in person or in writing with a request), resulting in a “freezing” of contributions, and, subject to their renewal, the deferment period is 10 days.

Earlier, we wrote about which of the citizens in 2024 will not be able to apply for pensions payments due to lack of experience.


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