Not so long ago, Fedorov informed that the statements of the Russian “authorities” in the temporarily occupied territories (TOT) of the Zaporozhye region regarding their intentions to develop resort recreation are nothing more than boasting designed for the Kremlin and the electorate of the aggressor country.
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About the fact that for the third summer season, the Russians promise to ensure an “influx of tourists” to the captured Azov coast, but in fact they are pursuing additional goals, writes NBN, citing information published in Telegram- channel of the head of the Zaporozhye OVA Ivan Fedorov.
According to Fedorov, twice such “resort seasons” were successful exclusively for units of the Russian occupation forces living in abandoned recreation centers and actively training at training grounds along the coast of the Sea of Azov.
However, ;this year the occupiers really need Russian vacationers, as evidenced by the statements of the Gauleiters regarding the “building of a resort city in Primorsk” and the bringing of “half a million vacationers” to Berdyansk, and all these aspirations are only because of the real the need to form a human shield for Putin's army.
In particular, in hotels and recreation centers, that is behind the “backs of tourists”, Moscow wants to hide its “good Russians.” In addition, vacationers who will go both to Crimea and to the Azov coast through the “land corridor” will not mind covering military logistics—the Crimean Bridge.
Earlier we wrote about that , as Fedorov commented on the Russian Federation’s mobilization in Zaporozhye.