• 13/03/2025 13:16

Daytime Napping for Adults: Benefits or Harm

ByJohn Newman

Sep 17, 2024

For many Ukrainians, the constant shelling by Russia has become the cause of chronic insomnia.

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Daytime sleep for adults: benefit or harm

Sleep. Photo – Repost.uz

This was reported by «NBN» with reference to 24 Health

In such nights, daytime sleep becomes not just a pleasant opportunity, but also a necessity. However, how to properly organize such rest so that it really brings benefits?

Science confirms that daytime sleep can be useful, especially if it coincides with a person’s individual rhythms. A short rest during the day can improve mood, memory, reduce fatigue and even reduce blood pressure. However, it is important to take into account the body’s characteristics and choose the optimal time for such sleep.

Experts advise limiting sleep periods to short ones, no longer than 15-30 minutes. Long daytime sleep can lead to so-called sleep inertia, a condition in which awakening is accompanied by disorientation and decreased coordination. This effect often occurs if a person wakes up during the REM phase of sleep, when the brain is most active and high levels of melatonin continue to be produced.

Research shows that it is best to go to bed before 3 p.m., in a dark, quiet, and cool room. But it is worth remembering that daytime sleep can make it difficult to fall asleep at night, especially if you have problems with nighttime sleep.

While scientists continue to study the effects of daytime sleep on health, it is important to remember that each person is unique. In difficult conditions, when a full night's rest is impossible, even a short nap during the day can be a salvation and give the necessary strength to fight daily difficulties.

Recall that earlier we wrote about products that will improve your well-being.


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